{ooc: permissions post}

Jun 15, 2000 14:24

CHARACTER SERIES: Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z!


Backtagging: Yes yes yes. I tend to forget about threads so this would be awesome for me ahahah.
Threadhopping: Yesss, I love threadhoppers. B)b I only discourage it if it seems like a really serious thread.
Fourthwalling: Go ahead! Just as long as there's no direct "lol ur fictional", I'm good.
Offensive subjects: I don't get offended easily and Boomer doesn't either. So that's okay by me~ If you're unsure of whether or not a subject is too out-there, go ahead and get in contact with me, either by AIM or PM and we can talk it over.


Hugging this character: COOTIES EWWWW He won't enjoy it much, but I'm fine by it.
Kissing this character: See above ^
Flirting with this character: It'll either go right over his head or he'll be slightly embarrassed by it. Okay by me~
Fighting with this character: I would like to be contacted before getting into a fist fight. However, verbal arguments are fine, even if he'll just retort with little kid insults.
Injuring this character: No further than spraining a limb, please.
Killing this character: No-go here!
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: That's not even allowed here, is it? Ahahah.

Warnings: Boomer's just a kid! While his age is never outright stated, he's around ten years old. He's prone to pulling pranks then blaming someone else for them. He's not strong at all especially without his brothers :'( and he has a hard time reading/writing. Be gentle with him, please~

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