Why I will never be a contestant on a cooking show

Mar 25, 2011 16:44

Fickle bastard rice. Why does it take so long to prepare when you do it up properly? Goddammit, I'm hungry NOW.


*waits some more*

...Cook, you fucker.

*several years later*

Holy shit! That's the first time all the little individual grains have been poking their heads up to look at me when I take off the lid. Like a potful of curious little maggots. Is that good or bad? I guess it means they separated like you want them to and didn't stick together. *takes several photographs for posterity before fluffing*

*can't wait for the fluffing OM NOM NOM NOM*

Well, the top bits are heavenly. Not sure about those farther down. We shall see. *tries*


...Now if I can just remember what exactly I did.

Note to self: a little tap of salt really does appear to make a difference in the cooking. S'truth.

the trials of q, cooking, mouthgasm, om nom nom

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