Being Human - 3x05

Mar 23, 2011 22:00

Sorry, not typing much, too busy watching Rainman!Herrick.

Why does Mitchell have sewing utensils in the hidey-hole along with his naughty clippings?

Oh! I thought that was dirt around his mouth...turns out it's beard stubble. (Poor Jason Watkins.)

Aw, don't stake him yet; he just got back and finally made this series interesting!


Loving Nina's evil eye keeping psycho!Mitchell in place. Do NOT. Mess with teh Nina.

"Social services. Has to be. She looks knackered and she has terrible hair."

"George, get the door. Try and act normal." Judging from s1, this can't end well.

"Set him free?? For fuck's sake, Annie!" "Don't talk to me like that." "Well say something sensible then, Jesus!!" FINALLY, a character in this series has the appropriate reaction to Annie's idiocy. THANK YOU MITCHELL ILU

Hee! Streakin' Herrick! :)

How does Cara know about Mitchell's 'prophecy'?


"I'm nothing without you!" "Well are nothing. Don't you look ugly when you're crying!" :D There's the Herrick we all know and love.

Um...does it make me a heartless bitch that I'm kind of glad and relieved Kara offed herself? Probably.

"I was in love with the idea of being a hero. A rescuer; your saviour. That's what I was in love with. Not you." Oh please, let this mean we won't have to sit through any more Mitchell/Annie snogging scenes...

Whoohoo! Nina opening multiple cans of whoopass on the poor social worker. (Though it would have been simpler if she'd just said he lived on a commune and they didn't believe in keeping records.)

Heh! Feeling guilty about it later though. As well she should. Poor overworked social worker who didn't even get a character name. (Edit: wait, she did! - Wendy! Should have remembered that.) Her actress was amazing, though *makes note to check her name in the credits* (Edit: Nicola Walker. Much worth watching.)

I'm totally loving how human!Herrick is still a bit of a creep, but for now at least, an innocent creep.

"Wait. I didn't agree. Because, you know, if we're really gonna execute an amnesiac psychiatric patient like we're the governor of shitting Texas or something, then we should all have a vote. And I didn't get. My vote." 0_0 Okay, let me count how many ways that line needs to marry me: slam on George W. Bush; laying the smack down on psycho!Mitchell, and OMFG how much ass is Nina kicking this episode??

"I think there's a poison in you that has nothing to do with being a vampire. So yeah...I think you are enjoying it." *adds more ass to Nina's 'kicking' pile*

Oi! Do NOT call George a dog. I'm starting to wonder if whatsername in the purgatory didn't just make up that 'prophecy' so it would become self-fulfilling.

"I have to stop you because you can't stop yourself. You're like a drug addict: 'One more hit and then I'll be done'. No.'s now."

"You're the best friend I've ever had. Or probably ever will have. But I will turn my back on you. I will wipe you from my memory and I will never mention your name again. I will never tell my son or daughter that I had a friend called Mitchell. It will be as if we'd never met. That's it. Now you make your choice." God DAMN, who wrote this episode which is kicking more form of ass than have yet been discovered by the modern sciences?? (Edit: Sarah Phelps. Will definitely be watching out for more of this woman's work in the future. Excellence, rawk, and win of all possible stripes.)

"I fit in just fine. And you are going to have to work a lot harder than that to get to me." Oh Annie, sweetie, don't give him a challenge...

"What am I? Onto you is what I am. 'Little man'." :)

"And I would rather not talk to you at all, because you have been a five-star dickhead tonight..." :)

"What's happened to your face?" "George hit me." "...Good! Good for George! Saves me the job."

"It was like being kicked by a bastard horse. And get this, right - he says if I stake Herrick he won't be my friend anymore." Several interesting things about this line: first, werewolves are stronger than vampires even when they're not changed? That would explain why vampires are bigoted against them (both fearing and wanting their power, like any bigoted class), but does this extend to normal humans too? Say, if George or Nina hit a nomral human, would it be like a wallop from a prizefighter or something?

And second, it's sweet and utterly heartbreaking how the writer had Mitchell, the oldest one in the group, reduce the profound angst to the level of the playground: 'he says he won't be my friend anymore!"

"Why is HE allowed to forget and I can't?? Huh?? Why him and not me??" Oh, liking this...Mitchell's jealous of the salve to Herrick's (non-existant) conscience. As well he would be.

Herrick and his wee train set. :)

"I said some things that I didn't mean." "Then why the hell would you say them??" Take note: this is the appropriate response to anyone who ever tries to trot out that lame 'didn't mean it' excuse, EVER, mmkay.

"You and's for eternity; really forever. I was running scared; a typical useless man. But I don't want to live without you. I can't live without you." Aw, hell...the only trite line in the entire episode. Bless him, Aidan Turner did the best he could with it, but you could tell that even he didn't believe it as he was saying it.

It strikes me that that whole scene was written with a little more vulnerability from Mitchell in mind (beaten, despairing, almost giving up), but the actor or director chose a different reading. Shame; we don't really see enough of vulnerable!Mitchell.

"If you don't mind me saying so, old son, I think you're a bit touched with the simple stick."

So...I'm thinking now that Mitchell asks George to stake him at the end of the series ("George...I choose you"). Also, FUCKING BLOODY HELL...they're still got three episodes to go, and I have no idea how they'll even begin to match the emotional pitch of this episode.


being human

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