So I saw the movie
Confetti last week, which was amazing fun, and which confirmed to me that Jason Watkins is an absolute acting god. And I forgot that he was back in s3 of Being Human, so...
I think I'm going to watch it.
*gathers courage*
This decision is likely going to be bad for my blood pressure. Seeing Annie onscreen makes me want to literally claw her big selfish infantile Queen Baby face off. And yet...Herrick.
Btw, I've had just about every single plot twist spoiled for me by people not using spoiler cuts on their blogs, so I know pretty much everything that happens, but...if I fast-forward through all of Annie's scenes, will I miss anything important? I won't, will I? Please tell me I won't.
PS - on the much happier subject of Watkins and his brilliance, here's
some acting tips from the cherubic little god-man himself