What do Top Gear, airports, campfires, and sunrises have in common?

Feb 21, 2011 23:18

No idea. Though I do seem to be at a high point in the cycle for remembering dreams lately.

I bumped into Richard Hammond at the airport. We got talking, with me trying cagily not to let on that I was angling like hell for a writing job on Top Gear. I got him to look at some of my stuff without being too obvious about it, and he liked it. We talked about other things, too, while lying on top of a bed that was suddenly in the terminal (a courtesy for those with delayed flights, maybe?). I remember I was getting him to open up about some pretty personal stuff by being matter-of-fact about the questions I was asking, and not seeming overly-interested. At one point we both had to share the bed, which was, sadly, far less fun than it sounds - I think I was starting to wake up a little and feel the sheets around me - because we were both aware of possible improprieties. I have to say I did rather enjoy the fact that he was only wearing a pair of little black briefs, however.

Then he gave me a sort of audition list for stuff to do / write as a trial for the Top Gear gig. There were about ten or eleven items on the list, but the only one I remember now was to write something about a campfire and a sunrise / sunset. The first thing I suggested was someone sitting by a campfire watching the sun come up, waiting, because they knew a loved one was scheduled to be executed at dawn.

Yeah, Q. Excellent. That's just the kind of thing to write when you're auditioning for a comedy car show.

Perhaps, what with the making-up-jokes dream the other night, my subconscious is trying to tell me I'm not writing enough lately?

walking in the dreamtime, dreams, wtf subconscious??

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