Top Gear- episode, er, which is it now?

Dec 21, 2010 22:07

"As we all know, there is a financial crisis going on at the moment. But we've decided not to take part in it."

A taster? Wait, what? Are we getting new eps in January? :/

"We are the wise men"?? Er...*snickers behind hand* I'm not sure my screen is big enough to accommodate a lie of those proportions, Jeremy.

Oh good lordy Godiva, what the hell IS Richard's hair doing??

Jesus, Hammond's car looks hideous.

Jeremy: "Can I just say how nice it is to be the elder statesman here, with the grown-up car?"
Richard: "Yeah, with those doors. 'Look at me; I'm an eagle!!'" LOL

Lovely Blue Ridge Mountains. Pretty Blue Ridge Mountains. *wants more shots of them*

Hammond actually looks quite tasty in a flannel lumberjack shirt. Looks quote cozy.

"The problem we've got is, we can't go on because it'll take us thirty years to do a hundred yards." XD

Clarkson: "We can't go that way 'cause those are the woods of North Carolina. Squeal like a piggy!"
Hammond: "No, I don't want to squeal like a piggy."

Hammond mentioned this very scenario in an interview with Jonathan Ross. Methinks the Hamster doth protest too much.

Btw, way to endear yourself to the rural south again, guys.

"Banjos, huron, good old boys, V8's, steaks."

"I'm not driving around in this for other peoples' benefit. I'm driving around in this because I love driving it. End." You know, it might seem an odd thing to take a stand on, but we so rarely see Hammond stubbornly passionate...and I think that quote's about as good a manifesto for living as I've ever heard, so. *raises a glass to him*

"Meanwhile in the Ferrari, The Man From 1947 was having a bit of a struggle." :)

"There is something desperately spooky about a disused racetrack." Disused anything, I'd say.

"We are the thickest men on God's earth!" Okay, THAT's some truth for you there. Much closer than the "wise men" remark.

This poor mayor looks nothing like Boss Hogg.

"D'you like banjo playing?" *grin*

Hammond: "It's not the same without the big ape, is it? He is a yobbo though isn't he? I mean, four laps and he trashed it just by messing about. He doesn't think ahead."
Hammond: *belly laugh*

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Richard loves you lots too, Jezza.d

"While the midget and the pedant drove on to that night's hotel..."

Excellent! See, I would have paid attention in History class if they'd told us things like NASCAR was invented from bootleggers competing to build the fastest cars to outrun the police during Prohibition.

I bet the citizens of this poor mayor's town are hiding their heads in shame watching him dance to Copperhead Road right baout now...

Wow! Going to take a while to get used to James and Richard's new haircuts. Grow it long again, James!

"That from a man, ladies and gentleman, who presumably was bald until puberty." :D

"Sir wants TWO shoes, then?"

"Yippie ki yay, mother trucker." "Rab C. Nesbitt; beer and yolk stains are extra."

"She is gonna operate that and immediately take an interest in what you will look like naked." Hm. Why does it seem wrong to hear Hammond say the word "naked"? :/ HE makes up for it with the "rowr!" face though.

James: "You are in for a whole night of suck, squeeze, bang, blow."
Jeremy: "What, is that the right order?"
James: (shifty) ...It is for that. ♥

"Ah! Now. Rich. Would you like some pussy?" 0_o I don't know if it's weirder hearing that sentence, watching Hammond squirm, or hearing Jeremy call him "Rich". :/

"What flavour is it?"
"...Leave it."

*Jeremy takes control of the iPhone Hoveround thingie* Richard: "I'm genuinely sca-ARED!" BLACKOUT! "There you go, you've broken the studio!"

Hee! James' signal flares.

Top Gear by candlelight! I like this; they should do it more often.

"We're like Genesis now - And Then There Were Three!"

"I hate Genesis!" "I hate the Stig. Mind you, at least now we know his real name now: Judas Iscariot." Come on, boys, don't hold back...tell us how you really feel. (Agreed, though.)

Wtf cat argument?? (Hee, Richard's cat is called Rucksack?) "That cat YOU gave me, Richard Hammond, HATES me." Okay, first, it was Mindy gave him to you, and second, Fusker DOES love you, James, you're just too thick to understand how he says it.

*tree's on fire* "Pour some pussy on it!" That need to be a rock song, methinks. "I've put the Christmas tree out with some pussy."

Q does not approve of guns in Top Gear. >:(

Aww, Stiggy targets! I admit, I smiled at Hammond wanting to shoot him IN THE BACK. Because that's how it's done. He'll just be having a normal day, thinking everything's going fine, maybe thinking about seeing his mates, and doing something together, and then he'll be shot. IN THE BACK. *toothy smile*

*smiles and thinks quietly happy thoughts about James "being gentle" with the launch control versus Jeremy's bull-in-china-shop approach*

Every previous star in a reasonably priced car was taught the lap by...The Splitter.

Aw, I was hoping Danny Boyle would talk about his Frankenstein play.

Totally guessed the Intercourse sign, that was pretty obvious.

"You don't think there was a hamlet called "foreplay" down there we should have popped in to first?" XD *vows to write a tense emotional drama called "A Hamlet Called Foreplay"*

Hammond in a purple shirt! Quite liking the lumberjack look on him.

"Stuart Little" *snurk*

Hammond, I love you...totally with you on the whole city thing. "I'm a country boy, that's just a fact. Cities terrify me. They're just big and complicated and full of people who shout at you." You forgot smelly, noisy and dangerous, but yeah, that's the city experience in a nutshell, pretty much.

"Hammond will be desperate to get there first. Because ever since he was a fetus, he's been destined to appear on American television...with his teeth, and his hair and everything."

"So I HAVE to go left. Oh, SPIFFY." :)

"Now I was relying on my famously brilliant sense of direction." XD


"Sorry, Stuart." I think they're angling for a new nickname for Hammond to replace 'Hamster'. Sorry guys, not gonna happen.

Ferraris are called fezzas? "Fezzas are cool!"

Hee! Tiff Needell - "Emergency Stig"


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