TMI Health Crap

Nov 20, 2010 18:34

Had a corndog ultrasound last week (and anyone who's ever had one won't need to ask why I've nicknamed it that) and supposedly everything's normal - supposedly, the crampy pain I've been having in my lower left side, the monthly difficulties, and the abominable ache down my left leg that my physical therapist thought was a bothered sciatic nerve all isn't related to my girly bits.

I say 'supposedly' because I've had a corndog ultrasound before, and it lasted much longer than this, and when you rush any scan you tend to miss things. I hate to use the phrase 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' in connection with a medical procedure, but if the tech had been a rent boy I'd definitely have asked for my money back. Assembly line medicine indeed.

In other news, am seriously beginning to wonder if I'm getting seasonal affective whatsits out here. Never had it in Kansas, but I suppose it's only natural that when stepping outside feels like being smothered by a sodden cold dark sponge it'll have some effect on your mood. Either way I've been having flagrant PMS symptoms out of season (to wit: I don't normally shout abuse at SUV's that nearly run me over in the crosswalk; normally I just glare at them...besides, what part of a "no right turn on red" signal and a lit "pedestrian walk" signal do these fucking morons NOT comprehend???).

Ahem. Anyway.

Losing all energy/motivation and repeatedly falling prey* to the Sneaky Hate Spiral are generally prime indicators of a monthly visit, but my last unwelcome guest just left. I feel that a Q-cheering post looms large on the horizon to affect a headspace shift forthwith.

And gimme some sunshine, dammit.

* I'd originally tried to type 'being especially susceptible' there, but after five attempts that did not pass muster with spellcheck I decided to just fucking leave it rather than throw the laptop through the wall. So, a Q-cheering post, some calming tea, and several infusions of industrial-strength dark chocolate, then. Right.

wah, grrrrr!!, the trials of q, tmi, kill it kill it!!!, my body hates me

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