From Twitter 10-31-2010

Nov 01, 2010 03:06

  • 00:09:13: @ masterpiecepbs To BC - Sherlock Holmes is a master of disguise, and you're a wicked mimic. Any chance we'll see SH incognito next series?
  • 00:48:30: RT @caitlinmoran: *sadly* I used to take loads of drugs on a Saturday night. Now I'm feeling "jangly" off the MSG in a Cup-a-Soup.
  • 20:15:05: @ masterpiecepbs Is there a special hashtag to include in our questions for the Sherlock filmmakers' chat, or no?
  • 20:20:30: @ masterpiecepbs BC - Have you seen this? Terrible likeness, but a brilliant song.
  • 20:29:20: @ masterpiecepbs BC Your carjacking in South Africa was one of the most terrifying things I've ever read about. So glad you're all OK! (cont)
  • 20:29:22: @ masterpiecepbs (cont) Do you ever use traumatic events like that in your work, and if so, do you think that's a healthy way to process it?
  • 21:10:51: #sherlock_pbs @ iklinger I hear that Hobbits make terrible personal shoppers.
  • 21:16:40: #sherlock_pbs PBS should link to the BBC tie-in websites; those made watching the episodes so much more fun:
  • 21:23:46: #sherlock_pbs John plays the clarinet?? OMG, fandom, WHERE IS THE FANFIC?? Think of the nocturnal duets...VIOLIN/CLARINET OTP.
  • 21:24:39: #sherlock_pbs Ooh...jealous Sherlock. :)
  • 21:27:50: #sherlock_pbs @ iklinger Sherlock once said John "adandoned" him to get married, yes? Any other mentions of his jealousy of John's romances?
  • 21:28:31: #sherlock_pbs Aw, Banksy / ASBO John scene. :D
  • 21:30:51: #sherlock_pbs Ooh - was that Olivia Poulet? (Cumberbatch's rl gf)
  • 21:33:20: #sherlock_pbs "I think your wife, she will like." No, I think she's more interested in the case.
  • 21:35:57: #sherlock_pbs Sherlock is really being a prat to John in this episode. Playing up the "sociopath" angle a little too much, methinks.
  • 21:36:36: #sherlock_pbs Ah, breathing...not quite so boring now, is it, Brain-boy?
  • 21:37:39: #sherlock_pbs John's an arny doctor, and he thinks Sherlock's getting a cold rather than that he's almost been strangled? Hrm. Bit not good.
  • 21:40:26: #sherlock_pbs WHAT??? BAD pbs! You cut out one of the best scenes of the whole series! NO cookie for you.
  • 21:42:34: #sherlock_pbs Very glad I saw the British version first. That cut scene at the wall was my very favorite in an otherwise patchy episode.
  • 21:48:02: #sherlock_pbs You know, for a trained assassin, this guy is a really terrible shot.
  • 21:53:24: #sherlock_pbs Oh, Sherlock, you sly dirty dog. Poor Molly. Again, too much with the sociopath angle, methinks.
  • 21:54:30: #sherlock_pbs Aw, sleeping Watson. The scene that launched a thousand icons. :)
  • 21:57:00: #sherlock_pbs Hee! Sherlock the cockblocker. :)
  • 21:59:32: #sherlock_pbs @ iklinger Any canon refs to Sherlock being jealous of John's romantic attachments? Ie, John "abandoned" him to get married?
  • 22:04:00: #sherlock_pbs Blimey. Third time this episode Sherlock gets in a tussle with the baddies. Rough week he's having.
  • 22:09:07: #sherlock_pbs @ iklinger Lots of fighting this ep. I only recall canon Holmes getting physically attacked once in The Regiate Puzzle. Others?
  • 22:10:17: #sherlock_pbs The little soft three-chord piano theme here is almost a direct lift from Life on Mars.
  • 22:11:58: #sherlock_pbs Oh, the look on Sherlock's NOT tamper with his Watson, criminal bitchez.
  • 22:14:08: #sherlock_pbs This entry on John Watson's blog made me laugh so much after this episode:
  • 22:18:05: #sherlock_pbs "How would you describe me, John? Resourceful? Dynamic? Enigmatic?" "...Late?"
  • 22:20:10: #sherlock_pbs I love this PA (Olivia Poulet) defending her illicit relationship with her boss to her rl boyfriend (Cumberbatch).
  • 22:21:30: #sherlock_pbs Ouch! I hope there was a mighty cushion there when John fell over tied to the chair...dislocated shoulders are no fun at all.
  • 22:25:17: #sherlock_pbs *can't tell if there's a new red-letter code in the credits this week*
  • 22:29:11: #sherlock_pbs Overall: weakest ep of Sherlock made much weaker by cutting a key scene. PBS fail. Still, better than watching football.
  • 22:30:06: #sherlock_pbs @ Squid_Lobby Watson is by far and away my favorite thing about this adaptation. Finally, a competent companion for Holmes!
  • 22:33:57: #sherlock_pbs @ Squid_Lobby Sherlock Holmes wouldn't hang around with someone who didn't pull his weight; biographer or not.
  • 22:34:39: #sherlock_pbs ...And now we've got Mycroft Holmes telling Stan Shunpike/Vic Tyler about a haunted house. God I love British telly. :)
  • 22:45:37: #pbs Eeek! And now Gene Hunt's missus is yelling in a pub that her husband topped himself. What an incestuous little acting island is the UK

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