From Twitter 05-21-2010

May 22, 2010 03:06

  • 10:41:13: @ Kcj100 Cheers! Many thanks for all your brilliant work on the show - it's been a joy to watch. Well worth the long hours...4am calls, ouch!
  • 10:50:48: @ Kcj100 Feel better soon! I'll be watching tonight with extra tissues too, and not just for the weeping... *coughcoughcough achoo!*
  • 10:54:26: @ jimkeats It's been my absolute pleasure, sir. Will miss following your adventures in Fenchurch; hope we can still drop a line now and then!
  • 12:57:33: #ashestoashes Aw hell, you guys, here it comes. ;_; Hold me?
  • 14:14:41: @ jimkeats Good try, mate! Glad we get to keep you around, make life much more interesting. Can't have a yin without a yang. :)
  • 14:18:21: @ jimkeats Also, for the record: that little five-year-old Essex boy? Grew up into a damn fine actor. And a handsome little devil to boot. ;)
  • 14:24:15: @ jimkeats Heh! No rest for the wicked, Jim. No rest for the wicked.
  • 14:27:34: @ TheRailwayArms Loved it! Although, to quote Gene Hunt: "you know, I hate being right sometimes." :P Poor lonely Guv in the copper's limbo!
  • 14:30:26: @ jimkeats Glad to hear it. Life would be dead boring without you.
  • 15:47:42: @jimkeats, @poshmouthytart, @superskelton, @GeneHunt, @ShazzaGranger, @ raycarling Beautiful work, all. Had an absolute blast! :)
  • 17:54:55: @ dannydogsniper I do! Haven't thought of that show in ages, but I used to love it! (Ditto re: the Google Pacman - here via @jimkeats, btw!)
  • 18:00:14: @ jimkeats Agreed! Though I suspect for different reasons. I like the music; I'm guessing you were more of a Thatcher-Reagan fan?
  • 18:06:58: @ jimkeats Ah. I fear you may be in for a bit of a renaissance then, in Britain at least. As a friend of yours would say: fill yer boots.
  • 21:39:48: @ jimkeats I have it on good authority you got kicked out of The Railway Arms, Jim. And banned. Didn't pay your tab, did you?
  • 21:53:48: @ poshmouthytart How's Sam? I really missed seeing him tonight. How did it feel to finally meet him face to face?
  • 22:12:17: @ jimkeats Actually, I find that a small bit of your influence actually livens up a good night spot. Only a small bit, mind, but still.
  • 22:16:47: @ poshmouthytart I hope you let Sam know that Gene's okay. I know he was worried what learning the truth would do to Gene.
  • 22:18:40: @ poshmouthytart And I told you you could do it. When it counted, you were strong enough to save everyone, including youreslf. Well done.
  • 22:34:47: @ poshmouthytart It was my pleasure. :) I think a lot more people than you realize care about you and everyone at Fenchurch and Manchester.
  • 22:37:24: @ poshmouthytart Indeed. I think that's what Gene knew so well: your team is the most important thing, because they're all you can rely on.
  • 22:41:37: @ poshmouthytart You and Sam will keep a spot warm for him, yeah? When he's ready. Knowing him, that could be a while, but still.
  • 22:49:34: @ jimkeats Oh, please don't do that. And btw, it was VERY naughty of you putting that nail on the track at Elvington Airfield. Poor Hamster.
  • 22:59:37: @ jimkeats And he did help a lot of needy kids with that little joyride...though I suppose that's not exactly a mark in his favor with you.
  • 23:03:52: @ jimkeats Tougher than he looks, isn't he? It's always the short ones you have to look out for. >:)
  • 23:21:35: @ poshmouthytart He is indeed. It must get so lonely in the copper's limbo...but he still loved you and Sam enough to let you go.
  • 23:30:49: @ poshmouthytart I wonder if he'll forget again? That place does make you forget. Or maybe he'll be even stronger now that he knows the truth

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