You know, I suppose there will eventually be a day when this show isn't actually eeting my brane for hours at a time.
But it will not be this day.
Dreadful: If Gene Hunt's death was police retribution for Harry Outhwaite's suicide (Outhwaite = Gene's mentor when he joined the force; Gene found out he was corrupt and grassed on him, and Outhwaite couldn't handle the shame and killed himself), then his killers probably cut his tongue out before they murdered him. That's why the dead baby!Guv ghost never speaks (he can't), and why Chris is so afraid of police whistles (aka, 'whistle-blower').
Not-so-dreadful: I think we've all assumed that Jim Keats's given name is "James". What if he's a different sort of "Jim" altogether...what if he's a "Jiminy"? It would certainly explain the vigor with which he's been going after Gene, plus he's certainly been Giving a Little Whistle for most of s3...