Ashes to Ashes - 3x06

May 08, 2010 18:36

Sheesh, they sure do have a thing for creepy echoey whistling in this show, don't they?

Is that a red Viewmaster on Ray's desk?

"You got a description, Chris?" "White, 5'7", slim build." Did anyone else automatically go, "OMG John Simm!" Just me then? Right, carry on. "Slim? Sounds like a ponce." Hee! :)

Yeah, boys, you'd better have that many of you holding the Guv back from going in after Viv...he doesn't let go of people easily.


*makes note of the red and grey chairs sat next to each other in CID*

0_0 !!!!! *has one hell of a turn at Alex cradling Thordy as he says the words I've always imagined Sam saying on the riverbank, and realizes I'd better get my ass in gear on certain fanfics before it's too late*

*winces* Oh, Alex, don't keep mentioning Sam when you're cross. That fire, you do not want to play with it. Interesting how Gene didn't get scared and upset until she mentioned Sam and 'you've done worse', though.

Uh...who's Keats playing cards with? Looks for all the world like he thinks he's playing with someone, and that's not solitaire. Yeah, I know the main thing we're meant to clock is that he's not watching after Viv and doesn't care, but that cardplaying thing is just weird.

Aww...lovely scene of Alex checking on Chris, Shaz and Ray while they're asleep. Bit creepy if you think they're all really dead, but still...sweet.

Okay, for anyone who remembers my crackpot painting theory? This cap isn't exact, and it's Ray instead of Gene, but for my money? It'll do.

LOLOL!!! Okay, I have proof positive that Thordy isn't Sam: that tooth Alex found is a premolar, and Sam Tyler has no premolar teeth. There you go - case open and shut! XD

*rankles like hell at anyone else saying Sam's LoM opening titles monologue* >:(

That said, though, Thordy's actor is brilliant. Plays a top creepy little swine, yesindeed. *shivers*

Dream sequence. Love these. So it's Shaz, Ray...and Chris in the dead copper's meadow?? :/ Maybe Chris will get his Bowieflash next week after all, then.

Okay, Thordy's definitely not Sam...Sam's not scared of Gene. Never was, never will be.

!!! When might the prisoners have clocked Chris? "A while back." ???

Oho! YES. Finally, after five episodes of Keats digging up info to make Gene squirm, the Guv finally turns the tables. ABOUT TIME. *loves the fact that he does it in such a Sam Tyler-like way, too*

Lots of floating going on in this episode...Thordy wants to float among the stars, now Gene Hunt 'floats' instead of drowning. Btw, how sad a fangirl am I? I'll tell you. I'm such a sad fangirl that when Gene said, "I float", I immediately said, "they ALL float!!!" Twenty points for the reference. :)

Sam was hit in 2006. Thordy.

"I propose we bury you in amongst the journalists." =8( Could have chosen a slightly better phrasing there, Guv.

Awww, poor Ray...even the convict can smell teh gay on him. ♥

"They kill coppers because it gives them Kudos." :D LOLOLOL!!!

Commander "Grey". :) The plot, she do thicken.

That's a bit OOC for Shaz, isn't it, attacking the Guv like that? Stressed over Chris and Ray, sure, but still.

"Not a hair on their heads." Too right, Guv.

You know, I know they're going for the High Noon angle and all, but it's still heartbreaking to see Gene's team deserting him one by one. He's not perfect but he's a damn brave cop, and in the end everyone still betrays him.

Is it my imagination or did they play the sound of crows VERY faintly as Gene walked out of the incident room there?

I like that Viv was trying to help his nephew. It's just a shame we didn't get to know more about him before the episode where he had to DIE.

"I hope he shoots you first. I mean it. You're dead to me. Go to hell." *cringes* You never like hearing lines like that spoken between colleagues, but especially not when the subject matter contained within them? Has a very good chance of actually coming to pass. :(

"No. Altruistic traits are anathema to sociopaths." "Blimey. Try saying that with a mouthful of Bakewell." :)

"You need to do as I tell you." "Is that an order? Anybody would think you didn't trust me, Drake." I like that the Guv is smart enough to follow orders when he knows it can lead to a collar.

*Gorgeous* scene between Ray and Chris saying their goodbyes. *gives both actors several cookies for hitting that scene right out of the park*

*Sacks shoots Viv and watches Ray freak out* "Look at him. He still loves him." Okay, a freaking convict isn't afraid to say the 'L' word that absolutely terrifies Ray? There's a lesson in that. Somewhere. Not sure what it is, but cripes, does it take a criminal to tell us the truth we're afraid of?

"What about me, Thordy? Doubt I evaporate that easily." Too right, Guv.

"Gene. Here we are. Look at this, the three musketeers! Gene, Alex, and Sam; who's got a camera?" Okay, that is just EVIL. It's bad enough being a smug Tyler-tease when some of us have been waiting THREE YEARS to find out what really happened to Sam, but to further tease those of us who dearly, deeply want to see an ending like this? Is staggeringly bad form. BAD WRITERS. NO COOKIE.

"You've been tugging on my mighty manhood for too long, Thordy." Ah, hello there, innuendo! Thought you were taking a breather after working overtime last week.

"Oh, I'm not the one making the stench, I bathe in Matey!" So, Jim's forever blowing bubbles, and Gene's taking bubble baths. Lot of bubbles in this episode. Btw, Guv - pics or it didn't happen. :)

I don't like that that envelope looks like the one that held Sam's jacket. Okay, they're all evidence envelopes, but still. *mourns for Sam's jacket*

"Good coppers stick together. You should know that by now." !!! Did Thordy try to play Sam against Gene?

There's that tunnel again. Pretty blue light.

Ooh! Alex gets a punch in. Heh! And Gene gives him a kick, just in case he missed the point the first time.

Oh, lovely 'confessional' between Gene and Viv, even if it is via radio...there's Gene back in his old St Michael / psychopomp role.

"You've got the heart of a lion, d'you hear me?" A Manc lion, perhaps?

"And like my dreams, they fade and die..." There certainly is a lot of God vs the Devil fodder here: Keats 'taking' Viv with no confession, so he'll die with his sins on his soul and the devil will 'get' him. And then Gene coming in: "I'll take him!" Of course, this doesn't disprove the "Keats = evil!Gene" some cultures, God and the devil are two halves of the same creature. Or at the very least, the devil works for God.

What did Keats do to Viv to kill him? Just look him in the eyes? Could be why we're seeeing so many 'open eyes' clues this series, and why Keats takes his specs off so much?

"Come on, Skip, stay with me." Gene says this to each dying officer he holds: "stay with me". It must get very lonely in the copper's limbo.

"He was defending this wing alone, to the death. So we put aside past mistakes, you understand? He's a hero." ...And there's the absolution.

Awww...dead baby!Guv is sad about Viv, too.

Is that a shooting script on the desk as Alex finds the box?? XD

Um, yeah, 6620 on his epaulet...some of us noticed that back in 3x02. *drums fingers impatiently for some real clues to be revealed*

Oh, you guys, this picture absolutely breaks my heart. Poor dead baby!Guv...handsome kid, wann't he?

Next week: what I want to see more than anything -

Guv: "Alex, there's an elephant in the room. Let's get it out of the way, eh?"
Alex: "Did you or did you not kill Sam Tyler?"
Guv: *looks up at someone over her shoulder* "Why don't you ask him yourself?"


Hey, it could happen...a Q lives in hope.

EDIT: *watches the waiter in the BBC trailer with suspicion...did Luigi always have a waiter?*


meta, spec, ashes to ashes, theories

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