With thanks to
bookworm1225 for the heads up:
Bill's obituary I had no idea he was ill...I knew he'd had some problems with his diabetes last year, but I thought he was getting better.
nsingman gave the best description of Bill in his blog: "Bill was smart without being snotty, funny without being mean-spirited, friendly without being obsequious, and an all around great guy."
At the risk of seeming somewhat facetious, I am including my favorite icon of Bill's in tribute:
Mostly because 'stunned Q' pretty much sums up my reaction, only without the deep sadness involved.
Somehow I think Bill would've seen the funny side. :)
Good journey,
billfl. To quote Mike and the bots, you were definitely enjoyed.
sad, stunned, and utterly gutted that I won't ever get to make bad puns with him anymore