Wtf weather???

Mar 08, 2010 19:56

Holy Scrotum of Zeus, what schizo corner of hell did today's weather spring from?

Started out nice and sunny, gorgeous; cracking the flags and generally looking warm and spring-y and sumptuous and inviting.

Deceitful weather. Mendacious weather.

It was sunny but it was fuggen COLD, so much that at about 2:30pm, with hardly a cloud in the sky (still sunny) and in the middle of my errand-running, it started to snow. And it wasn't normal snow either; heavens forfend anything so mundane. It was like little condensed pre-packed pellets; like if you added water to one of them it would suddenly plump up into a proper snowflake.

Of course, the only other time I've seen snow-hail hybrid pellets like that was when we had the tornado a few Januaries ago. Lovely. So, as you might imagine, their appearance was not met with a great deal of celebration.

The evening news said people were spotting funnel clouds, which the weather monkeys poo-pooed as only mild microbursts/cold air downdrafts. I wouldn't be so smug if I were the weather monkeys, given their fantastic track record of warning/ protecting people from the last tornado we had come through here (yeah, GREAT job there, guys). Also I think I got caught in one or two of them, whatever they were. You know those old silent films where people are walking against the wind and standing almost horizontal to the ground in their attempt to remain upright? Was like that. If I'd had an umbrella I could have gotten home without bothering to wait for the bus. And when I got there I was literally spitting grit out of my mouth, which I don't remember opening, so all the debris and junk must have blown in through my nose. Probably shouldn't think about that one too much.

It's supposed to snow again tomorrow; whether proper snow or pellets this time they didn't say. Me, I just hope all the nastiest bits happen while I'm indoors. I'm bored of winter; springtiem nao kthnxbai.

Dear Pacific Northwest: it takes a lot for a Midwesterner to say this, but your weather is fucking weird.


the trials of q, wtf weather??

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