Feb 16, 2010 17:52

So my backup computer, the little g3 ibook I use mainly for writing, has crapped out on me RIGHT in the midst of a huge short-story feeding frenzy, one of which is due in less than 2 weeks.

I was trying to calibrate the battery, just in case the previous owner hadn't, so I let the battery drain until it flashed a warning at me and then plugged it back in. Problem is, the computer came with an original adapter, which is getting a bit loose in the plug. Suffice it to say, it didn't charge, and now the laptop is asleep; and the hand of god itself could not rouse this beshiten thing to wakefulness.

I've tried pressing the power button for fifteen seconds to get it to turn off. Nothing. I've tried pressing alt-command-escape to force a shutdown and alt-command-power to force a reboot: nothing. At this point all I can think of to do is let the reserve battery drain and then try to boot it up from the adapter. I'm a bit nervous about taking the battery out while it's in sleep mode as I don't want to be electrocuted, but also because I've never done something like that before.

Any suggestions, o wise and worldly f'list? This all goes to reinforce my theory that computers were put upon this earth to tempt us all into wrath and foul language.


fecking puter, help me f'list you're my only hope

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