right now, in my own personal squeestakes?
christian o'connell's doctor who tweetisode with david tennant and john simm >>>>>> waters of mars.
seriously, i can't be the only one who imagined simm holding the phone to his ear, all scruffy and unshaven in his civvies, doing the master's voice while trying to get his kids ready for school at the same time. :)
LOL flushing portaloo tardis noise lolol
wtf tennant slumming it with the accent?? i'm torn between being happy that we actually got scotty!ten for once outside of tooth and claw (*is a sad fangirl, yes*) and seriously respecting john simm for doing the full-on master voice, despite it being just a silly little tweetisode. that's a true pro. john simm does not slum it. that is why he is john simm, and why he pwns everything, ever.
much love also to the little chat afterwards, with tennant apologizing profusely for having roped simm into doing such a silly sketch ('i'm sorry..i'm so sorry'). *doesn't want to imagine the awful rpf being written as we speak* MUCH more important bit of info revealed during that little segment, though...?
david tennant. and john simm. did. a commentary. for the final. episodes. TOGETHER.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
i'll just be over here for a bit, floating across the room on a cloud of fangirly bliss. (and being glad i don't have anything on for tomorrow - yeesh, 1am and still tripping on geeky g-spot seratonin, yikes).