i love it when the series creators agree with me

Aug 30, 2009 22:30

as if the whole sam/gene love relationship needed any more official validation...first we had john simm calling sam's main conflict in s2 'destroy the one you love', and now we've got series creator ashley pharoah calling the entire premise of life on mars 'a love story between two men' (the quote's on page 2 of the article, and also ironically totally resonates with my own viewpoint on why i don't like a2a or the american lom half as much: the central sam/gene relationship was my entire reason for watching, and without it, there hardly seems any point).

of course, it's not remotely a validation of a slash-type relationship, which i actually like a lot. love happens, people, and it takes many different forms...and each one of them is a gorgeous and nifty thing.


*glee*, man love rules ok, sam tyler, ashes to ashes, life on mars, gene hunt

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