torchthoughts, part 2

Jul 08, 2009 08:49

the good:
  • hooray for gwen being actually fucking useful and using her l33t torchwood-fu to get away from the evil emt's. was there a point to the guy sticking her with the needle, though? other than to piss her off enough to shoot him inna foot? i kept expecting her to go all druggy, or for them to reveal he'd planted some sort of tracking microchip in her. but anyway.

  • hooray for pc andy!

  • 'we want a pony. we want a pony.' :)

  • rhys continues to be awesome. food >>> weird alien danger.

  • lois annoyed me much less this time around, probably because she was actually doing something useful, to help someone else, rather than just being a wussy little snoop.

  • it saddens me that barrowman does nothing for me libido-wise, otherwise my eyes would have been having multiple orgasms at the sight of him chained nekkid to the table (btw, whaddaya think, sirs - cock sock there, or no?). but i vigorously approve the principle of the thing: there are simply not enough naked men in bondage in our fandom. who's there been so far...barrowman and john simm? that's IT. come on, people! we need lots more naked men in bondage in our fandom! and our television in general! and our movies! and books! and stage plays! and infomercials! and...well, every conceivable facet of our existence, really. who's with me???

  • oh bless, barrowman finally got his bottom onscreen. he will be pleased.


  • lol @ gwen averting her eyes from unexpected nekkid!jack! XD eve myles was completely adorable in that scene.
the bad:
  • rupesh is still dead.

  • oddly, i didn't like this episode quite as much, as there seemed to be a lot of filler in re: frobisher and the big evil government overlord who's SO gonna throw him to the wolves at some point, blah de blah de blah don't care. btw, if peter capaldi doesn't turn into a penguin by episode 5, i'll be disappointed.

  • i'm glad i don't read fanfic almost ever, because if i did i'd be terrified to the root of my being at all the 'POOR CHILD-ABUSED WOOBIE!IANTO HEALED BY JACK'S SOOTHING HAWT COCK' fic that this episode will inevitably spawn. i did like how ianto and his sister had very different viewpoints on what happened, though: she saw it as the accident it probably really was, whereas ianto definitely seems like the type to hold a grudge about it. because it is bitter, and because it is his heart. s'truth.

  • who's the creepy older guy with the glasses helping them set up the gas chamber for the aliens? he's a bit too much like the evil government overlord guy and looks too much like clem...i'm having a hard time getting a handle on him. who is he? should we care about him or worry what he's going to do?
the ugly:
  • merry christmas, h/c jack fans. *shudder*

side note: what's wrong with raw potatoes? i used to snack on them all the time when i was a kid; they're quite tasty.



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