so, guess what i finally got today. give up? my wrist support and arms bands!
a MONTH AND A FLIPPING HALF after i really, really needed them. halle-fuckin'-lujah.
anyway, now that my arm tendonitis is being addressed, my leg's gone all gimpy. i did something unpleasant to my left knee a few days ago, and i have no idea what or i'd tell it sorry. as it is, it's still mad at me...if i have to walk any distance after sitting down for a while my left knee is ridiculously stiff and i have to go around limping like an idiot for quite a while before things loosen up, but eventually it gets better. then i stop walking for a bit and the whole process repeats itself.
i'm already going to a physical therapist for my tendonitis, and i'm not sure my insurance will cover more visits for a gimpy knee. at least not without another doctor's note and a knee support prescription, which would probably take ANOTHER month and a flipping half to go through. AUGH!
and to top it all off, i was checking my left shoulder in the mirror the other day (my pt said there might be bruising there from our session, which, amazingly, there wasn't)...and for the first time i can ever remember (or at least that i've ever noticed), there was a clearly defined depression between my shoulder and lower arm muscle. i'm already starting to get the flappy old-lady arm wrinkles! AAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
goddammit, i'm too young to be getting this old. >:P
running around and flapping my flabby old-lady arms in woe