eight days of happy - day 6

Dec 25, 2008 23:54

things that made me happy today:

new doctor who special! santa claus brought me nowt, as usual, the stingy old fucker (jesus books from fundie relatives do NOT count), but i got a new doctor who episode and confidential and podcast. ha! take THAT, you skinflinted beardy old bastard.

a white christmas! my first in a long, long time. no matter how crappy you feel, there's just something about waking up christmas morning with it snowing great guns outside that makes you squee like a kid.

watching miyuki watching it snow.

the fact that i have a cat to purr at me and make me laugh and cuddle up to me and frequently annoy the hell out of me. i'm happy that she seems to be healthy for now, and content.

watching miyuki eat her dinner. as i write, this, she's pushed her food dish too far underneath the cupboard lip again...but instead of just hooking a paw around the rim of the dish and pulling it towards her, she's scooping wee pawfuls of food up to her mouth and eating them just like a people. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

the brilliant evening sunbreak after the massive afternoon snow dump...almost as if the weather were saying, 'okay, okay, i'm done now.' i certainly hope so. i really do enjoy snow, but i think the wishes of everyone in the entire pacific northwest who've been yearning for a white christmas for the past thirty years suddenly got granted all at once over the past week and a half. i never thought i'd be so glad to see *rain* in the forecast.

in all, a relatively peaceful and quiet holiday. hope you all had a happy one too. :)


eight days of happy

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