i only meant to go to the fred meyer today, not the salvation army. but i did. and they were having a 50%-off-everything-in-the-store sale, just like they had last friday. i would like it very much if this became a regular thing.
anyway, i got two more pairs of new-to-me-jeans, which is just about the most exciting event of the entire month, such is my life...the general age/loosening of my old jeans, plus the wear and tear of climbing the fence at community services to get to my appointments (don't ask - it's a ten-fifteen minute walk to the entrance from the bus stop, and forty-five seconds if you scale the fence), plus my digestive-problems-induced weight loss, has all meant that i'm completely and thoroughly sick of constantly walking around with my trousers hanging down past the crack of my ass.
anyway, that wasn't the best part. the best part was wandering into the books section and finding, to my surprise, the bloomsbury raincoast 'adult' editions of my two very favorite harry potter books (
prisoner of azkaban and
goblet of fire). i've been thinking about buying these two books online for ages, but have lacked the money to get them. there were no other titles from that printing/series on the shelf, mind; just those two. like they were sitting there waiting for me. azkaban is a bit love-worn, but i can mend that soon enough. and the most glorious bit is that store's 50% off sale meant that i got them both for a dollar. fifty. cents. each.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
i don't know if i believe in karma or synchronicity or anything like that, but it is very nice when the universe gives you a little present like that.
thank you, universe! *nosebook*
EDIT: forgot to mention, later on in the checkout line, a little old lady made me take five dollars because she accidentally bopped me in the face and then bumped me with her cart...neither of which hurt in the least or disturbed my calm at all, but i guess the monetary compensation made her feel better. very weird but interesting day today.