John Simm - The Locksmith - a picspam, part three

Apr 26, 2008 06:09

yeah, yeah, i know...finally. here at last is the third and final installment; i hope it was worth the wait. (here's part one and part two, just in case you missed them) i will warn you, though - i've done my best to funny it up, i really have; but it's still depressing as all holy befuggery. you have been warned. oh, and certain bits are probably ( Read more... )

picspam, the locksmith, john simm

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Comments 41

giant druggie Hobbit burrito kateorman April 26 2008, 07:52:28 UTC
You realise a "cold porridge" scene was cut from the LOM drugs-and-bondage episode.


Re: giant druggie Hobbit burrito qthewetsprocket April 26 2008, 08:21:27 UTC
!!! no'um, didn't. (or if i did, i forgot) whereabouts was it supposed to fit into the story?


Re: giant druggie Hobbit burrito kateorman April 26 2008, 08:29:04 UTC


Re: giant druggie Hobbit burrito qthewetsprocket April 26 2008, 08:36:17 UTC
i think that somewhere, somehow, a little part of my imagination will always be thinking about that episode...particularly concerning what things might have happened between the time gene found sam and annie left them alone, and the time gene finally let sam out of the handcuffs. (the lucozade was to replenish vital bodily fluids. TRUTH)


scruby April 26 2008, 12:04:40 UTC
Thanks again! This is a bucket of awesomeness! (:
I loved, loved, loved the Hot Fuzz/Cuddeling picture! I think of doing some icons of it. (:


qthewetsprocket April 26 2008, 17:30:17 UTC
nifty! could you let me know when they're done so i can see them? :)


scruby April 26 2008, 23:55:49 UTC
Yep, totally! I'm friending you so if I forget you'll see it anyway because you'll be at my list, ok? And don't worry, I put your post in my memories so people would know were I got it from.


bending_sickle April 26 2008, 12:06:12 UTC
I absolutely love you for this picspam! When I saw the post, I squeed (o'course) but then, remembering what scenes were involved, mentally braced myself. And there was no need! You made it not-depressing! \o/ You made it hilarious!

And thanks to you, a certain on-switch in my mind's gutter has now been permanently switched on with this tidbit: John Simm - bless him - has a slight tendency to mix up his 'pain' face with his 'ohGod YES don'tstop!' face. And I loves it ;)


qthewetsprocket April 26 2008, 17:34:22 UTC
thanks! glad to hear my efforts were giggle-worthy in the face of such gloom.

i have to say that john barrowman (from torchwood) was the first to point out the pain/sex face thing during simm's character's death scene from doctor who...and then when i saw the clips they didn't use on the confidential? oh, how right he was. :) i've been physically incapable of not noticing it ever since.


snowgrouse April 26 2008, 14:43:48 UTC

I thought it was insect repellant, that spray? Can't be 100%, but didn't she say something about it working on him the way it works on insects, fucking up his throat somehow so it'd lock up and he'd choke to death... still, fucking unpleasant. That was hard to watch, yeah. But the pretty definitely made up for it.


qthewetsprocket April 26 2008, 17:43:16 UTC could be right, there. they were pretty vague about what that spray stuff actually was, but since she found it with a load of other cleaning products, i went with cleaning, i have it rattling around in my brain that all propellants work in a similar way, ie oxygen deprivation, which is why some people use cleaning spray to get high (thus her saying it would be a very unusual 'treat' for him).

anyway, the insect spray would make better thematic sense, though, ie, alice exterminating what she saw as a piece of vermin. so i may change it. and yeah, i very rarely worry after actors in dangerous scenes, since they're usually babied to death otherwise...but that was definitely some kind of propellant spray very close to his mouth and throat. i don't care if it was just cooking spray, that can still be very dangerous. *bites lip*


snowgrouse April 26 2008, 17:58:18 UTC
Yeah, fuck. I hope it was just a harmless water spray or SOMETHING. Because, damn it. All the torture combined with Simm The Method Man certainly made me worry a bit (knowing all those times he's injured himself while filming). The man is hardcore.


qthewetsprocket April 26 2008, 18:36:05 UTC
the second gagging scene was another one that briefly took me out of the story over worry for the actor - if the cloth had gone in too far, he really could have choked on it, and you can actually hear him give a little cough to clear his windpipe after roland puts it in.

*didn't know about him hurting himself in other productions, but isn't a bit surprised - shakes head* actors and their machismo, eh?


heavenly_rain April 26 2008, 16:50:13 UTC
Yay! This is the best of the three!

Your comments are hilarious... and very helpful in lightening up the otherwise torturous moments of the film.

I absolutely died at this
Roland reaches down to grope Paul's tits to make sure he's dead.



qthewetsprocket April 26 2008, 17:48:27 UTC
Roland reaches down to grope Paul's tits to make sure he's dead.

that was an odd moment, wasn't it? i don't know if roland's actor thought he was feeling for a heartbeat or what, but it was a definite groping motion. i wonder if simm noticed? 'oi! locksmith boy...i know i'm pretty and all, but i'm supposed to be dead - paws to yourself, casanova!'

*is secretly incredibly jealous of roland's actor for all those groping scenes of a young sweaty tied-up simm*


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