Fic: Who Are You, Really? Hoechlin/O'Brien, NC-17

Feb 17, 2013 18:02

Title: Who Are You Really?
Pairing: Tyler Hoechlin/Dylan O'Brien
Rating: NC-17
Words: 20,000
Warnings: Drunken consent (and thus possible dub-con, but not really), RPF
Summary: Dylan and Hoechlin learn more about each other the longer they work together. The more they learn, the more they like.
Disclaimer: Not real, never happened.
A/N:This work is a series of moments based upon the Sky Living interview wherein Dylan answers a set of quick fire 'either/or' questions. You can see the interview that this is based off (and I suggest you do, it's fantastic) here. Please ignore that some of the timeline doesn't match with reality, I've kept it fairly close, but a few things are a little out of order to suit the narrative better. Neither of the guys have girlfriends in this 'reality'. Endless thanks go to nanoochka for her patience - this one started easy and became hard (ha) - I would never have finished it without her support and of course, her beta, which is hands down the best you'll ever receive.

Fic on A03

Also posted at dreamwidth. Please comment wherevs.

fic:teen wolf rps, hoechlin/o'brien, fic

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