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Continuing Adventures of joanieangel blue_fjords June 2 2010, 20:49:15 UTC
Jensen is a Tom's of Maine boy. This surprises Misha at first. He'd been expecting something a little more whitebread, like Crest, and not as environmentally-friendly. Even the box boasts its superior commitment to the planet.

They're filming episode three when he gets a mouthful of wintermint. It wasn't in the script.

It happens like this. Cas and Dean are supposed to exchange soulful looks over the corpse of a dog. The monster-of-the-week has killed a dog, thereby showing it 100 times more evil than all their previous villains. When the camera is filming Jensen's reaction shot, Misha steps over the dog and latches onto that plump lower lip. It tastes and feels decidedly awesome. It's possible he slips a little tongue. It's possible he shoves his tongue down Jensen's throat and goes for an exploratory lick-fest. It's possible he ignores the "Cut!" until Jensen gives him a nudge, and he steps on the dead dog. Well, the plush toy covered in syrup.

The director reminds him that they're on the CW and to keep it in his pants. Which is a ridiculous expression, because it never left his pants! (That's what he wants for episode 10, aka last one before Hellatus, another word he's picked up from fans. He's making a dictionary.)

So the first time doesn't go well, but there'll be another because damn he wants to suck on that lip again, oh my God, zoinks.

The problem is the scripts are all being written for basic cable. And apparently basic cable programmers don't get any action. It's time to bust out joanieangel.

He starts small. joanieangel: "New lip balm arrived." (He's decided that she runs a health food store. He can't tell the difference between wheat germ and dirt, but joanieangel is into all that crap. Another way she's not him, wink, wink.) He responds: "I need to stock up." He pauses. That's a boring response. He adds: "& shave my legs. cream?"

That gathers a few squees and OMG's. But he's not shaving his legs again, not after the incident with the clogged sink (bathroom this time) and the surprise visit by Michael Jackson's sister, needing to pee. (It's possible it wasn't Janet Jackson. It's possible it was his friend Jeff, and Jeff's 'friend' 6-foot-5 Monique of the protruding Adam's apple. It's possible there was Sangria.)

joanieangel: "Lips getting a workout?" This is perhaps a bit heavy-handed, and Misha strategically does not tweet back right away. Rumors run rampant, everything from "OMG, Dean & Cas, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" to "OMG, no response! Are they ever going to kiss?!" He smiles to himself, and tweets @joanieangel: "no workout. cest la vie." (French always adds class. It's like using a hanky or eating crumpets.)

The chatrooms are soon filled with cries for Dean/Cas kisses. And some for Cas/Dean kisses. He doesn't even have to do anything else, just watch it snowball and fantasize about nibbling that lip. Guh. (Another one for the dictionary.)

The next script has a Dean-led kiss (someone's in the same chatrooms). Misha positions himself outside Jensen's trailer after he's sure the other man has seen it. Sure enough, Jensen comes tromping down his steps and freezes when he spots Misha.

Misha has worked on a line, specially tailored for Jensen. It goes like this: "Do you want to rehearse this?"

"Uh," Jensen replies. He is sometimes tongue-tied by Misha's presence. Misha would like to make that literal.

"Good." Misha herds him back into the trailer and tosses his script aside. "I'm ready."

Jensen looks at him, then down at his shoes (brown), then at the wall, and finally he rolls his shoulders and becomes Dean. "Cas," he says gruffly and takes a step closer. Misha is staring at that lip.

Jensen's open-mouthed from the beginning, and handsy and there are NOISES. Obscene little grunty, breathy, moany noises. Misha's only making half of them, too. He's backed up against the door before he can say 'yogurt' and it's all quite fantastic; the lips, the tongue, the teeth, the neck-stroking, the hand under the shirt, all of it.

But then Jensen pulls away, breathing hard. "I think we got it," he mumbles, and practically flies out the door. Well. joanieangel better get her rear in gear pushing for that episode 10 sex scene, that's all there is to it.


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel phate_phoenix June 2 2010, 21:03:15 UTC




Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel angelic_x_demon June 3 2010, 04:19:57 UTC


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel aythia June 3 2010, 16:05:34 UTC
Holy... make it a verse! Make it a verse! More more more!


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel click_panda June 3 2010, 19:10:42 UTC
I agree please make more! >w< This is so amazing!


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel colazitron June 7 2010, 19:02:04 UTC
Oh God xD Hilarious! Your Misha is a work of art. Giggle-inducing, ingenious art!


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel floatxxaway June 9 2010, 01:47:54 UTC


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel the_lady_revan June 24 2010, 04:03:52 UTC
Omg that was epic!

*joins in with her own fangirl cries for more plz*


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel kielamyis October 24 2010, 19:11:34 UTC
ASDFGHJKL -MOAR!!! This is hi-la-ri-o-us! xDD Seriously, someone should send Misha this, he needs to see what greatness he can manage with a fake twitter account... (especially of the Dean/Cas kind... xDDD )


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel sucksucksmile April 1 2011, 07:00:14 UTC

this entire verse just makes me flail.
there is never enough twitter!misha.


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel spikeslayedlove July 30 2011, 05:17:49 UTC
Is there more of this?? PLEASE tell me there's more! :D LOVE it!


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