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Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) x_shadowwings_x June 2 2010, 10:21:54 UTC

Still he asked - “This is a joke, right? Dudes can’t get pregnant.”

Castiel sighed, before he said - “No, Dean, they can’t. You’re different to other men, special. You’re Michael‘s vessel, and ... well, I’m an angel too .... “

Dean stared at him, still unable to believe what the angel was telling him, before the news began to click into place in his head.

“Wait, what? So you’re telling me, because I’m that douche-nozzle Michael’s vessel, that means I can get pregnant?” Dean asked, running his hand over the nape of his neck repeatedly.

“Only when you sleep with another angel,” Castiel replied, softly, eyes flickering to the bedcovers beneath Dean’s legs before travelling back up to the hunter’s face again.

“And you’re the only angel I’m sleeping with,” Dean said slowly. “Not that I wanna sleep with any others, mind you.”

Castiel remained silent, head tilted to the side as he regarded Dean curiously, waiting for the anger to rise in his lover. Instead, Dean started to grin, before he looked down and plastered one hand over his stomach and rubbed at the tender skin gently.

“I’ve got a baby in there, Cas,” the hunter said, softly.

“Yes, Dean. Our baby,” Castiel replied, warily, as though repeating the obvious would make the news sink in finally.

Dean glanced up at Castiel hopefully, and grinned at the hopeful look in his lover’s eyes.

“Do you want it? The baby, I mean?” Dean asked, hand still splayed over his abdomen.

“Yes,” Castiel replied, forcefully, gaze indignant as though not having the baby was a repulsive idea to him.

Dean laid back on the bed and started to laugh.

“Dude, this is so awesome. We’re gonna have a kid, Cas,” he said, kicking his legs up happily and yelling out a happy note.

He looked back at Castiel and saw the relieved and happy grin on the angel’s face, brightening Castiel’s liquid blue eyes to warmer depths.

“Wait, you so owe me some pie, dude, and lots of it! I’m eating for two, now,” Dean said, happiness evident in his voice and his face.

“Anything you wish, Dean,” Castiel said, warmly, as he stood, happiness coursing through him at Dean’s easy acceptance of his pregnancy.

Dean was still grinning happily as Castiel left, and the angel took some of his happiness with him, adding it to the contentment the angel already felt ...


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) phate_phoenix June 2 2010, 12:14:09 UTC
♥ This is perfect. Schmoopy and happy and guh. XD Thank you!


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) x_shadowwings_x June 2 2010, 14:16:57 UTC
Awesome, I got a guh! XD Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I did enjoy writing it, so thank you for an awesome prompt!


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) kiasca June 2 2010, 17:31:47 UTC
I'd love to read Dean's reaction when he stops long enough to think about how the kid is gonna get out xD


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) x_shadowwings_x June 2 2010, 22:21:44 UTC
This is possibly the crackiest thing I've done in ages, but I should imagine Dean's reaction something like this ...


Castiel returned to the motel room, carrying a box filled with a whole, still warm, cherry pie, to find Dean sitting bolt upright in bed, face pale and eyes staring blindly at the far wall.

“Is something wrong, Dean?” Castiel asked, slowing to a stop in the middle of the room to stare quizzically at his lover.

“Dude, you know I’m pregnant?” Dean asked, turning wide and horrified green eyes onto the angel, freckles standing vividly out on his too pale cheeks.

“Yes?” Castiel replied, making the singular word a question.

“Just how in hell’s that baby coming outta me?” Dean asked. “ I don’t have any, you know, women bits. The only other place it‘s coming outta me is my ass.”

“Yes, Dean. I thought you were already aware of this,” Castiel replied, calmly.

“Dude, I’m having an ass-baby,“ Dean said, hands trembling now upon the bedcovers.

“Yes,” Castiel said, slowly placing the pie in front of Dean and running from the room just on the off-chance Dean decided to throw it.

He was already halfway down the corridor before Dean had even finished his scream of - “FUUUUUUUUU - “


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) kiasca June 2 2010, 22:52:06 UTC
Just so you know, I'd love you forever for this xDDDDDD


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) x_shadowwings_x June 2 2010, 23:18:15 UTC
Awesome, I'm feeling the love all the way over here! Thank you - I am glad you liked it! XD


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) phate_phoenix June 2 2010, 23:10:52 UTC


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) x_shadowwings_x June 2 2010, 23:20:04 UTC
LOL, thank you - I'm glad you liked it! XD


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) timey_wimey_kid June 3 2010, 20:48:34 UTC
Oh my chuck poor Dean. LOL forever.

For the record, when it comes to MPREG birth, I'm leaning towards Caesarean. It's kinda more comforting than the... other option. Not just for the obvious reason, but imagine the kid grows up to the point when he finally asks his daddies The Question: "Where'd I come from?"


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) x_shadowwings_x June 3 2010, 22:32:49 UTC
LOL, poor Dean indeed! XD

Yeah, I agree, a Caesarian is a far better option for an MPREG birth. Oh dear, yeah, you've got a point; it would not make for a comfortable conversation for all involved when the child asked the inevitable question!


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) timey_wimey_kid June 3 2010, 20:42:02 UTC
Woooohoooo this is awesome. :D


Re: Dean/Castiel, Different to Other Men (part two) x_shadowwings_x June 3 2010, 22:27:37 UTC
Thank you very much! It's much appreciated you liked it! XD


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