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Dear Cas 3 ginfairy June 2 2010, 05:04:27 UTC
“I am now,” he grins sheepishly as he practically drags Castiel into the room and closes the door. “Look Cas, there's something I want to tell you...um.. sit down.”

Cas does as he is bidden and takes a seat on the bed.

“Ah Cas.”

“Yes Dean?”

Dean begins to pace what floor space there is with the double bed taking up most of the room. Oh god the double bed... with an angel sitting on it.

“Look, you know how lately I've been a bit...”

“Short tempered? Awkward? Romantic?” Cas supplies with what for him passes as a grin pressed to his lips.

“Yeah that. No wait.” Dean pauses in his travels across the carpet briefly. “What do you mean short tempered?....Anyway I..”

“Dean sit down.”

“You see Cas the thing is. I, well I really...” He runs a hand through his hair and realises it's shaking.

“Dean. Sit down.”

”..like you as a friend and all and well you're practically family...sort of...no, maybe not,” he shrugs nervously. “I mean, you've had my back almost as much as Sammy has and I trust you with my life, hell you brought me back to life..” Oh god, he's babbling now but no dam is going to stem this flood, not now, not after all this time.

“Hello Dean? Can you hear me?” Not for the first time in the last few months, Castiel wonders if he is witnessing a mental breakdown.

“So yeah there is something really important that I need to tell you and I'm not sure if you are gonn-.”

“Oh for goodness sake.” Cas is on his feet and and halting Dean's increasingly frantic pacing with a strong grip around his wrist. And then an arm snaking around his waist and then a kiss placed gently on his partly open mouth. Green eyes widen briefly, then flutter closed.

Far too soon in Dean's opinion, the angel pulls out of the kiss. Two pairs of eyes filled with promise lock onto each other. “I love you too Dean.” Cas whispers.

“You. You What?”

There is a flicker of amusement on his face as he says as he pulls a thick sheaf of typed A4 sheets from beneath his trench coat and throws them on the bed. “I have a message for you from your brother,” A slight crease appears on Cas' brow as he pretends to remember Sam's exact words and the way in which they were gleefully spoken. “He says, hey, Barry Manilow, learn the difference between the print, the save as and the save icons and you owe Bobby a ream of printer paper.”


Re: Dear Cas 3 sycophantastic June 2 2010, 05:59:44 UTC
“Hello Dean? Can you hear me?” Not for the first time in the last few months, Castiel wonders if he is witnessing a mental breakdown.

Oh my god... I'm kind of laughing like a crazy person right now.

My heart, it is rejoicing. This turns my crappy evening right around, seriously. I was ready to carve obscenities into the walls earlier, but now I kind of want to cuddle Dean & Cas like they're fuzzy bunnies. :)

Thank you so so so much, I love it!


Re: Dear Cas 3 ginfairy June 2 2010, 06:30:57 UTC
Cor thank you. I was dying of embarassment when I posted it (still am) lol.


Re: Dear Cas 3 sycophantastic June 2 2010, 07:37:37 UTC
Noooooo, no dying of embarrassment, this is exactly what the meme is for, cute schmoopy fluff! Seriously, I love these kinds of stories so much, and yours was adorable. Those messages... and he hit the print button!

*dies of laughter all over again*


Re: Dear Cas 3 heavenlyxbodies June 2 2010, 13:13:55 UTC
ROFL OMGs that was just too cute and too funny!!!! Can't stop giggling, lololololol


Re: Dear Cas 3 mulder200 June 3 2010, 04:22:23 UTC
LOL! Poor nervous Dean! He should take tips on computers from Sam.


Re: Dear Cas 3 zanyrainey June 3 2010, 07:02:30 UTC
I unabashedly love your fic and also you!
I must admit that Castiel has caused me to play "Closer" by NIN on more than one occasion!!!


Re: Dear Cas 3 the_lady_revan June 24 2010, 04:12:12 UTC
“He says, hey, Barry Manilow, learn the difference between the print, the save as and the save icons and you owe Bobby a ream of printer paper.”

Lmao! Poor Dean, Cas will have to comfort him now.


Re: Dear Cas 3 ginfairy June 25 2010, 19:30:41 UTC
Lol he certainly will, but I shall leave that to your imagination as mine is not the best in the world lol


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