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Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) blue_fjords June 1 2010, 21:14:35 UTC

Jensen gets a post-it note on the script for "The Rapture": strawberry-flavored >:O

He keeps the note.


"Dudes. This is getting serious," Jared tells them. He waves at Gen across the set and she gives him a saucy wink.

"It's getting serious with me and Jen, too," Misha tells him seriously. "I was balls-deep in him --" Dude! from Jensen and a barking laugh from Jared -- "last night and I swear he told me the three magic words."

"Awww, sweet love!" Jared grins at them both as Jensen shakes his head.

"Well, he said 'use more lube' but I'll take it!" Misha slaps his hands together. "Lunch?"


Things come to a head at the finale wrap party. Jared and Gen are in a corner canoodling, Jim is currently losing to a grip and their head hairdresser in a drinking game, and Jensen finds himself out on the balcony with just Misha.

"So, Misha. What will you do next season?" he asks, sipping at his beer.

"I think it's in the cards that I'm to fall for you," Misha replies with a somewhat drunken smile.

"I meant who'll be your next victim, not what Cas will be doing?" Jensen's pretty sure he didn't detact a flicker of hurt across Misha's face when he spoke. He's pretty sure.

"Maybe I'll convince everyone I'm Martha Stewart," Misha says after a moment. "After all, that's more believable." He turns to go. "I'm out of beer, you want another?"

Jensen grabs at Misha's arm. "Hey," he says. Misha looks down, and Jensen has to tilt his head up in Castiel's customary pose. "Hey," he says again.

It was supposed to be a practical joke, but it's more sweet (and a little bitter from the beers) than funny when their lips finally meet.


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) qthelights June 1 2010, 21:43:16 UTC

So funny, - i nearly spat out my tea at the thundercats line - and so adorably CUTE. And you said you'd never write RPS *evil cackle*.

Also? I have such a kink for the "hey" pause, softer "hey" thing in fic.. I just realised. NNnnghh.



Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) blue_fjords June 2 2010, 06:16:56 UTC
You are an evil genius, q. That's all there is to it. (And, phew, I'm glad you liked it!)


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) timey_wimey_kid June 1 2010, 21:44:01 UTC
*brb epic flailing*


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) kriari June 2 2010, 00:19:13 UTC
EEEE! <3

Thank yooooou! Adorable. I think I may just bask for awhile.

So sweet and funny :)


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) blue_fjords June 2 2010, 06:19:29 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you liked it, woo hoo!


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) alexwhitman25 June 2 2010, 04:42:23 UTC
GUH. This was funny and cute and adorable.


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) ginfairy June 2 2010, 06:47:17 UTC
"Maybe I'll convince everyone I'm Martha Stewart," Misha says after a moment. "After all, that's more believable."

Aww poor dejected Misha. But then he got a snog off Jensen, so that's alright then lol.

*trips off to bed with a great big smile on her face*


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) devilsduplicity June 2 2010, 07:51:41 UTC
"Five minutes, guys," the PA calls through the trailer door.

"That'll just give Jensen enough time to swallow," Misha calls back.

LMAO, this is golden!


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) colazitron June 2 2010, 23:09:22 UTC
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

So much love for this one! It's so damn funny and then so damn sweet. And one could really imagine that this is what Misha's like on set, if he wants to be xD


Re: It was supposed to be a practical joke (pt 2/2) frankwill_21 June 18 2011, 13:25:46 UTC


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