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The hat, 'stache and baguette request blue_fjords June 1 2010, 00:56:09 UTC
Misha's been to Italy. He went to Germany, and France. He's been traveling all across Europe all spring long, and Jensen and Jared only went to Italy. Wankers. (That's part of the British vocab he picked up at a con in England, also without Jensen and Jared. He said "Bloody Hell!" continually for about a week after, until bloody Jim got so fed up, he doused him with fake blood. The non-sweet kind.)

He gets a text from Jared during a train ride in Germany: Bing me beer lser. He texts back: Jim drank it already, hoser. Ha, he can spell and use proper punctuation!

Two hours later he's still on the train, and he gets a text from Jensen: Don't bring J beer. He stole my hat.

Misha frowns, trying to recall said hat. He thinks it's a skullcap. Jared deserves a case of the best German beer he can find, then.

In France, he's eating (drinking) dinner with Traci and Alona, and the ladies are swapping stories about their most cringe-worthy questions. The winner? They each got asked if Jensen slipped them the tongue. Misha laughs so hard wine goes up his nose and he spends the rest of the evening in the bathroom, trying to get the spray stain out of Alona's white shirt. (Whoops.)

The next day a fan gives him an awesome replacement hat for Jensen. He wears it all through his signing session, for seasoning. Then he's catching a plane and it's delayed. By one hour. Then two. Then four. He cracks open the case of German beer (sorry, J), and he, Alona and Traci go to town. At some point Alona asks why they're drinking warm German beer when they could be guzzling French wine (she could go for some chilled white wine, she says, with a pointed look at Misha, so he knows she hasn't quite gotten over the red wine on white shirt fiasco) but the question is deemed too sensible and must therefore be ignored.

Misha's about four beers in when he starts testing Jensen:
The fangirls want to know if Dean takes it up the ass.
I said yes.
Are mustaches sexy?
The French call cheese fromage.
It sunds like frottage.
I thnk they are.
Uh that was bout moustachhes.
why arnt u talkng bac?

"Jensen's not texting me back," Misha announces to the others.

"Lemme see." Alona makes a grab for the phone. "Jensen!" she yells. "Your tongue tastes like marmalade!"

"Oh, sweetie, he can't hear you," Traci says, and pats Alona's head. "You adorable lil' lightweight."

"Fuck, it's like 4 AM in LA; no wonder," Misha realizes. "I should send him a pic of his hat. Trace."

Traci snaps and sends and gives the phone back. Only she drops it. And Misha tries to pick it up, but he steps on it instead.

"Shit. Or shite, as they say in Eng Bloody Hell Land," Misha says.

The girls exchange a look. "It needs beer," Alona declares, and pours a little onto the phone.

Airport security comes by then, and very helpfully assists the three Americans to their flight, minus all but three beers from the case and the foamy broken bits of Misha's European cell phone.

He makes it to Jensen's two days later. He's got the hat, of course, but he's decided to spruce it up a bit by wearing a fake mustache and bringing along a baguette. Baguettes are tasty.

Jensen opens the door and silently takes in the sight for a moment. "Do I want to know what you'll be wearing to give Jared his beer?" he asks finally.

"I was thinking my lederhosen, but that seems a bit extreme since only thr- two beers made it back."

"I see."

Misha frowns. This isn't quite the reaction he was expecting. Even if Jensen didn't like the hat (or the mustache), he brought a baguette! They're tasty!

"I got your picture," Jensen says, finally opening the door wide enough for Misha to duck inside. Jensen closes the door and leans back against it. "Dude, were you wearing my shirt?"

"Ummm..." Misha thinks about it. Was it Jensen's shirt, or Misha's shirt that looks almost identical, and who could tell the difference? It smelled good.

"Dude, the fangirls notice shit like that!"

Misha looks at the baguette, then back at Jensen. "I brought a baguette."

Jensen sighs, but reaches over to grab the hat and put it on his own head. "Thank God for crusty bread. But what's with the 70s porno 'stache?"

Misha gives him a filthy grin. "I brought a baguette."


Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request timey_wimey_kid June 1 2010, 01:10:57 UTC
This wins on so many levels.
I love fic about drunken SPN cast. :D


Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request ladyyueh June 1 2010, 05:39:37 UTC




Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request dachinchilla June 1 2010, 05:47:22 UTC
Oh god I sporfled so hard, you took that prompt and made ~ART~.


Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request hils June 1 2010, 08:44:03 UTC
WHEE! LOL! Awesome! Thanks


Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request qthelights June 1 2010, 10:59:09 UTC
*LOL* oh honey... That last line. YES!


Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request thegrrrl2002 June 1 2010, 13:53:01 UTC
Hee! I love how you made this all work in a big big way. So awesome!


Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request imisspadfoot21 June 2 2010, 06:30:49 UTC
Ahahahah! I love the drunken texting and yes baguettes!



Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request click_panda June 3 2010, 18:13:59 UTC
This is hilarious! Also the last line was great! It may have took me a moment to understand (during which I stared at the computer like a confused tax accountant) but it was so funny when it clicked in my head!


Re: The hat, 'stache and baguette request cottoncory July 14 2012, 03:21:22 UTC
I love this :D You write amazing drunks and amazing Misha/Jensen.


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