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Filled: J/M - holding hands moonlettuce May 31 2010, 16:45:34 UTC
It starts as a way to get through the crowds. (Seriously, no matter which convention it is, the one thing they all have in common is the crowds. Jensen's pretty sure that half the people who go to conventions just mill around the corridors for the hell of it.)

Jared grabs Jensen, who grabs Misha and away they go (totally ignoring Jared's habit of shouting "Banzai" before he starts dragging them through the throngs of people). Occasionally, Richard or Rob or Sam is with them, and they create this human centipede weaving its way through a bunch of fans and trying not to trip over anyone.

The thing is, Jensen gets so used to reaching back for Misha's hand that he finds he finds himself doing it automatically. Which is why he finds himself standing outside one of the rooms being used by the convention, with no one in front of them, and Misha's hand in his.

Misha looks down at where Jensen's fingers are tangled with his. "I'm not sure we're at risk of being parted by the seething mass of people, Jen," he says carefully, looking at the completely empty corridor in front of them.

"You never know," Jensen replies carefully. "There may be a huge group of fangirls just around the corner." Or I could just like holding your hand, he doesn't say.

"There could be," Misha agrees. "They do have the habit of just appearing when you least expect them."

"Exactly," Jensen nods, tightening his grip on Misha's hand slightly. "Better to be safe than sorry, my mom always says."

There's silence for long moments before Misha glances at him. "We should go, Jared's probably wondering where we are."

Jensen nods and starts to head down the corridor. He still doesn't let go of Misha's hand, though. But that's okay, Misha's not complaining.


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands alexwhitman25 May 31 2010, 20:40:18 UTC
Huh, wasn't aware I had such a kink for hand holding. This was all kinds of adorable and sweet and squeeworthy.


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands moonlettuce June 1 2010, 21:38:31 UTC
Hand holding is very much ftw :D


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands hils May 31 2010, 22:32:31 UTC
OMG! ♥ ♥ ♥


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands moonlettuce June 1 2010, 21:39:08 UTC


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands colazitron June 1 2010, 07:27:52 UTC

I may have died a little inside from the cuteness. Boys being ridiculous and cute is the best thing ever. <3


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands moonlettuce June 1 2010, 21:39:49 UTC
boys being ridiculous and cute is the best thing ever. <3

It really is *\o/*


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands qthelights June 1 2010, 10:37:11 UTC
Oh! OH! *cuddles my boys* SO FREAKIN' ADORABLE *cuddles my moonlettuce too!*


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands moonlettuce June 1 2010, 21:40:30 UTC
::cuddles you and this meme:: :D


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands painted_pain June 1 2010, 20:58:16 UTC
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! I have been rendered speechless by the adorableness!


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands moonlettuce June 1 2010, 21:41:04 UTC
::grin:: The boys being adorable makes life better :D


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands lilyleia78 June 2 2010, 22:11:02 UTC
Awww, I love that image. ::sigh:: :)


Re: Filled: J/M - holding hands moonlettuce June 3 2010, 22:18:44 UTC
The thought of them holding hands is too deliciously cute :D


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