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Filled: Part 2 kimisgirl May 31 2010, 07:19:01 UTC
“Ah... yeah ok” Jensen answered softly, glancing over at Misha and picking up his phone. He smirked as he typed and pressed send.

A few moments later Misha’s phone, which he had apparently turned off silent, attention seeker... beeped out across the room. Jensen couldn’t take his eyes off him as Misha read his answer.

From Jensen: Hell yes!

A smile spread across Misha’s face and it made Jensen chuckle.

Handing his phone to Jared so he could inform the waiting masses, Misha all but launched himself at Jensen leaning across Jared in the process and pulled Jensen into a passionate kiss. One which Jensen returned heatedly, hands wrapping around Misha’s wrists where they wound around his neck.

Pulling back Misha leaned his forehead against Jensen’s and smiled.

“So you said yes...” he pointed out with a grin.

“I did” Jensen agreed, “And you just outed us to the world” he pointed out, not even slightly upset about it.

“Yeah well, figured if we were gonna get married might as well be out and proud. Otherwise what’s the point? Can’t have a pretty trophy wife like you without being able to show you off.”

“Oh fuck you, I am so not the wife...” Jen grumbled, but he still couldn’t stop smiling and he pulled Misha back in for another kiss.

Mean while, the croud was going slightly insane, not that either of them noticed and Jared was looking a mix of amused and disturbed.

“Ah you two want me to move?” He asked with a smirk...

“God yes!” Misha exclaimed and all but sat in Jared’s lap because he other man didn’t move fast enough.

Jared moved and Misha sat down, and Jensen grinned stupidly out at the audience, hand gripped tightly in Misha’s.

“So apparently I’m getting married” he said into the mike and the croud burst into a screaming applause.

And that is the story of how Misha and Jensen outed them selves to an entire convention audience and got engaged through text messages. Gotta love technology... well at least Jensen sure as hell does, but not as much as he loves Misha.



Re: Filled: Part 2 colazitron May 31 2010, 07:56:01 UTC
*rolls around on the floor, happily*

This is so freaking cute!! Absolutely adorable! Love it <3


Re: Filled: Part 2 kimisgirl May 31 2010, 08:28:27 UTC
haha thanks! It came to me on the bus from Uni today and I just had to write it when I got home lol!


Re: Filled: Part 2 heavenlyxbodies May 31 2010, 10:03:27 UTC
*squeak* That should not put such a sappy smile on my face... but it does, lol.


Re: Filled: Part 2 kimisgirl May 31 2010, 10:31:46 UTC
My work here is done! *grins*


Re: Filled: Part 2 harper47 May 31 2010, 10:17:09 UTC
Oh so freaking adorable. I loved the way you used the text messages. Awwww.


Re: Filled: Part 2 kimisgirl May 31 2010, 10:33:59 UTC
haha thanks, just seemed like the sort of unconventional thing Misha might go for :P


Re: Filled: Part 2 neytiri_navi June 1 2010, 08:56:49 UTC
Drive-by icon love. That is amazing... where'd you get it? Or did you make it?


Re: Filled: Part 2 kimisgirl June 1 2010, 13:53:59 UTC
Hiya, and it is awesome isn't it, I snagged it from here :D there are a tonne of awesome icons !!


Re: Filled: Part 2 sycophantastic May 31 2010, 10:19:53 UTC
Oh... my god... YES. Yes so much yes.


Re: Filled: Part 2 kimisgirl May 31 2010, 10:35:26 UTC
So that's a Yes then? :P Yay!! Glad you liked it !!


Re: Filled: Part 2 moonlettuce May 31 2010, 11:52:48 UTC
This makes me happier than cake and kittens :D


Re: Filled: Part 2 kimisgirl May 31 2010, 12:54:19 UTC
haha Wow, cause cake and kittens make people very happy! Least they do me lol. Glad you liked it!


Re: Filled: Part 2 timey_wimey_kid May 31 2010, 13:53:44 UTC
This is absolutely surreal and unbelievable but part of me would wanna see it IRL so much :D and yeh, only Misha could propose with a text message.


Re: Filled: Part 2 kimisgirl May 31 2010, 15:02:02 UTC
haha Yeah complete crack, but man it would be awesome if it did happen :P


Re: Filled: Part 2 imisspadfoot21 June 1 2010, 05:47:17 UTC
Awww, this is AMAZING! I'm grinning like a crazy person ;) The text message proposal and the kissing and the outing...lovely!



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