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Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 2/3? colazitron May 30 2010, 22:43:33 UTC
Misha’s smile widened and he opened his eyes, his pupils shrinking, adjusting to the brighter light as they settled on Jensen’s face.

“I love you,” he stated seriously. “A lot.”

Even years later, Jensen’s heart still constricted like he had never heard these words before, when in fact he had heard them plenty of times.

“Good,” he replied around his own smile. “So do I.”

They spent the time between then and the arrival of their dinner in silence, each of them off in their own little world, only brief looks and smiles and loosely clasped hands linking them. When a car drove up the drive way, Jensen got up to get the delivery before the doorbell could ring. He dropped the food off at the winter garden with a brief “be right back” and left Misha to open containers of sushi rolls, dumplings, avocado salad, and assorted other meals Jensen had picked randomly from their favorites off the menu.

When he came back, Misha had opened a second sliding door and pushed the blanket to the edge of the patio. His pant legs were rolled up and his legs hung off the wood, his bare feet feeling the cool grass beneath them. He echoed the action and sat down next to Misha. Placing a little box in between them, he regarded Misha with a soft look.

“I want you to have these.”

Misha frowned slightly in surprise, setting down the avocado salad and reaching for the box. Opening it, his eyes widened slightly in apparent surprise before he turned to Jensen.

“I can’t accept these.”

“Oh, you’ll have to give them back,” Jensen assured him. Inside that little card board box were his father’s agate stone cuff links. They had belonged to his grandfather and his father before him. Jensen’s father had given them to him for his 21st birthday. They weren’t that valuable, but they held a lot of sentimental value.

“When you don’t need them anymore,” Jensen clarified.

“Need them?” Misha asked back, looking up from where he was tracing a loving finger over one of them.

“Yeah. They’re old. Blue. Borrowed.” Jensen felt his throat close up and he swallowed against the lump before putting down a simple golden ring in between them.

“You could have a new husband. If you wanted.”


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 colazitron May 30 2010, 22:44:45 UTC
Misha’s look of surprise at the… well… loan, was nothing compared to the complete bewilderment his features spelled out now. They had talked about this before, sometimes. Misha had never seemed that into the idea, but he hadn’t ever seemed strictly against it, either. Jensen suspected that Misha had left the whole marriage deal behind with Vicky and had closed this chapter of his life. But Jensen had never gotten to introduce someone as his fiancé or even his husband and he found he kind of wanted it.

If Misha said no, he’d be prepared for it and he knew it didn’t mean Misha didn’t love him, just that he didn’t want to get married again, but of course… of course he wanted Misha to say yes.

“Would I have to give him back too?” Misha’s voice was uncharacteristically small.

“Only when you don’t need me anymore,” Jensen replied, his body thrumming with a silent kind of tension. Misha blinked down at the ring, his thoughts visible running through his head at 100 miles per hour.

“Never, then,” he smiled and picked up the ring, slipping it onto his finger. Only then did he look up at Jensen.

“Okay. Let’s get married.”

Misha’s lips tasted of avocado and rain and sweet, slow promises of for as long as I can.

Man, I really, really missed being unapologetically schmoopy in fic...


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 timey_wimey_kid May 30 2010, 22:55:58 UTC
Ohmygod, this is so disgustingly schmoopy it's soooooooo good. <3

Damn, all that schmoop makes me feel like you know when you eat a full bar of chocolate and it was awesome and tasty but it's a mothereffin lot of sugar to take in so u're just a little nauseated. And wouldn't mind eating another bar anyway.


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 colazitron May 31 2010, 07:50:14 UTC
Yup, totally know that feeling. *gg*

Glad you enjoyed it.


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 juanitatequila May 31 2010, 08:48:32 UTC
ugh, such a mushy thing to read before going to sleep. :')!!! <33333333


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 colazitron May 31 2010, 17:52:16 UTC
I'll take that as a compliment and thank you ;D


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 kimisgirl May 31 2010, 13:02:27 UTC
oh wow this was incredibly beautiful! I loved it! So much :D


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 colazitron May 31 2010, 17:52:56 UTC
Thank you! :D


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 colazitron June 1 2010, 07:14:00 UTC
Glad you liked it ^^

I think I spent about as much time searching for a poem as I did writing the rest of the story xD Also, Jensen was supposed to say a line from another poem when he proposed, but, eh... that would have been over the top, probably.


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 imisspadfoot21 June 1 2010, 06:00:58 UTC
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! *loves* The proposal is lovely and I like their quite day together...



Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 colazitron June 1 2010, 07:15:32 UTC
Thank you <3 I'm a fand of quiet days myself ^^


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 ginfairy June 2 2010, 19:10:25 UTC
You know what? Somewhere in some universe, this is fact. DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! It's your fault for making it so intimate, so understated, so bloody gentle and so...*sighs*.

I really shouldn't be here in my current mood lol *tear*


Re: Jensen/Misha proposal 3/3 colazitron June 2 2010, 23:11:27 UTC
Oh, wow, thank you! That's quite a compliment.

Mood? *opens arms and offers hug*

Glad you liked it ^^


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