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Re: Seventh heaven aesc May 30 2010, 19:37:56 UTC
"So, that what you're supposed to be doing today?" Dean tilts his chin at the book. Cas looks up from stuffing the receipt in a mostly-empty drawer to nod. "I'm finishing my dissertation this year," he says, "assuming this day ever ends."

"You know what helps with that?" Dean asks, and the blank look on Cas's face tells him no he doesn't; the heavy, heady thump of blood in his head tells him this is a bad idea. It's bad and good, really, and he might as well get something out of it, even if it's a weird half-conversation with Cas. "Lock up for a bit. We'll get coffee."

"The owner really doesn't - "

"Come on, Cas," Dean coaxes, "live a little."

"Maybe a little," Cas agrees, and eases out from behind the counter, expression one of wariness, like the mall aisleway is the path to temptation and Dean's the one about to lead him down it. But he comes, is the important thing, book tucked in one hand and the shop key in the other.

* * *

It's two hours and three coffees later, and Cas is telling him about a trip he'd taken to Jerusalem when Dean realizes the basket is back in the store. It'll keep, he decides, and turns back to dragging descriptions out of Cas, who, despite having to be persuaded to talk, glows with interest, and that's something Dean figures he can live in for a while.


Re: Seventh heaven colazitron May 30 2010, 20:18:38 UTC
<3 <3 <3

So wonderfully adorable!


Re: Seventh heaven janie_tangerine May 30 2010, 21:35:34 UTC
Awwwwwww this is so lovely! They're both perfectly IC and I just loved the setting. (Eh, well, I like AUs. ;) ) And Dean leading Cas into the path of temptation was a brilliant line. Anddd, awwww again because it deserves more awww-ing. ;)


Re: Seventh heaven juanitatequila May 30 2010, 23:23:01 UTC


Re: Seventh heaven devilsduplicity May 31 2010, 04:24:19 UTC
Your writing style is positively lovely. Very vivid, with this tone to it that really brings the whole story to life. Wonderful!


Re: Seventh heaven 22by7 May 31 2010, 05:26:39 UTC







Re: Seventh heaven mf_luder_xf May 31 2010, 06:12:35 UTC
Oh, God, yes! I love dissertation!Cas. And he's so cute, annoyed with the register.


Re: Seventh heaven qthelights May 31 2010, 08:53:12 UTC
Oh this is adorable. I want more!! Such a randomly awesome idea for an AU!


Re: Seventh heaven lexhibition May 31 2010, 10:23:23 UTC
Here is a list of the things I love most in the world right now:

1. Cas being grouchy and irritated at things like registers and sick sisters
2. The vague implications of Dean's military history
3. Actually, this whole thing.



Re: Seventh heaven nyoka May 31 2010, 15:39:54 UTC
OMG, I love this so much! Thank you so much for filling this prompt! Both Dean and Cas are so wonderfully grouchy and adorable. I also love the idea of veteran!!Dean and gradstudent!Cas.



Re: Seventh heaven magickaldreamer May 31 2010, 18:08:53 UTC
How much do I want a full version of this AU. So awesome.


Re: Seventh heaven alexwhitman25 May 31 2010, 20:38:11 UTC
GUH. This is so good and it's like such a little tease that leaves you wanting more. You always have these fantastic little details in your fic.


Re: Seventh heaven tesserae_ June 3 2010, 01:33:37 UTC
Cas in a worn t-shirt, so adorably out of place in a mall!


Re: Seventh heaven spatz June 3 2010, 07:01:02 UTC
*hearteyes* Adorable! I lol'd at 'Seventh Heaven', and cranky!Cas is the best, and I have a huge soft spot for Dean being a veteran in AUs (it just makes so much *sense*). And the way Dean thinks coffee is a bad idea but just leaps in anyways... ♥


Re: Seventh heaven pyjamagurl June 8 2010, 14:03:45 UTC
Awww this is so lovely! I adore this story and wish there was more of it! :D

I think they are both wonderfully in character and I love how impatient both Dean and Cas are yet Cas seems to calm Dean down a bit :D

Utterly adorable, I love it! <3


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