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Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses blue_fjords May 30 2010, 15:28:14 UTC
The Jensen/Misha version, set first day of Misha filming:

There was a distinct lack of cherry tomatoes at the Craft Services table. Jensen chewed his lower lip and gripped his plate with both hands. He had planned on cherry tomatoes. It was a Thing. Without the cherry tomatoes, he'd have to change his whole strategy. Jared would make fun of him, but dude didn't understand the importance of little bursts of tart sweetness exploding in one's mouth. He was strictly a candy junkie.

Jim appeared at his shoulder. "They have any tater salad?"

"Yeah. No cherry tomatoes, though."

Jim gave him a sympathetic look. Dude understood his tomatoes. "You meet Big Dick yet?"

Jensen knew exactly who he was referring to. The Angel had been "Big Dick" ever since the summer, when they'd found out there'd be angels this season. Kripke had proudly announced that the angels would be dicks. Not something to say to this cast and crew. Speculation about Limp Dick, Wee Willy, Mr. Flaccid and Mr. Viagra had run rampant. The Dean Angel was lucky to get Big Dick for a nickname.

"Not yet. I think they're bringing him through wardrobe before we rehearse."

Jim grunted and plopped a large helping of potato salad onto his plate. "I was -- wait, is that him?"

He nodded his head in the direction of the wardrobe trailer, and Jensen turned around. A dark-haired man in a trench coat was coming towards them.

"Dude, they gave him Constantine's costume," Jensen whispered.

"Who? Looks like flasher-ware to me," Jim replied.

The man gave them a rather vague smile and surveyed the contents of the Crafts Services table. "No cherry tomatoes," he sighed.

Jensen barked a laugh, then covered it with a cough, as he didn't want Big Dick Constantine to think he thought that was funny. As it wasn't. Just in context.

Big Dick Constantine gave him a curious look, and took a step closer to him. He was now officially standing a little too close, and Jensen realized that he smelled ... just like him. BDC held out his hand. "Misha. I'll be raising you from Hell."

Jensen looked down at the hand, and then at his plate. "Uh..."

"Here, I'll take that," Jim said, moving his plate to one hand and reaching for Jensen's just as Jensen moved forward to lay the plate on the table. Shoulders, hands and plates collided. "Whoops!"

Both plates were airborne, the potato salad stubbornly clinging to Jim's plate, for three seconds. Just enough time for Misha to step even further into Jensen's personal space and make a mad grab for a plate -- the same plate Jensen went for. Their heads knocked together and for just the briefest of moments, Jensen found his lips pressed against the other man's.

The plates fell to the ground.

"Oh, my God!" Jensen took an immediate step back and looked for an escape route. Jim hadn't noticed, too busy trying to salvage the potato salad, thank everything holy.

Misha gave him a strange look. "Yes, that was quite embarrassing," he agreed. "Would have been much better like this."

And he stepped forward again, gripped Jensen's head in his hands and laid a very wet kiss on his lips. Jensen's eyes bugged open, and Misha coaxed his lips apart to very briefly touch tongues.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! sounded like a litany in Jensen's head, and then Misha broke the kiss. Jensen felt like he'd been running a marathon, but the other man looked completely composed.

"As I thought. Much better. See you in Perdition, Jensen," Misha said, and turned away.

Jensen met Jim's eyes. Yeah. Big Dick is definitely the name for that one.


Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses colazitron May 30 2010, 20:14:42 UTC
Okay, Misha's lines, all of them, are hilarious! But I think my favourite is his introduction xD


Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses harper47 May 30 2010, 20:43:02 UTC
Fantastic. I loved this! Hee - Misha is totally the Big Dick (LOLOLOLOL)


Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses aythia May 30 2010, 20:53:08 UTC
Haha, oh that was brilliant!


Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses mulder200 May 31 2010, 04:36:24 UTC
LOL! Now that's an entrance.


Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses qthelights May 31 2010, 08:51:46 UTC
*LOL* Jim's "looks like flasher-wear? HILARIOUS.

And I love Misha's opening line - and absolute ignoring of social ...i was gonna say 'conventions'.. but really? just social 'reality' would cover it *g*


Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses sycophantastic May 31 2010, 10:16:04 UTC
Freakin' cocky Misha. ILU SFM. \o/

More awesomeness, dude. I love it.


Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses darksilvercat May 31 2010, 10:36:17 UTC
And I get a Jensen/Misha version too! OMG, yay!

I don't know what I love more, the whole 'angels are dicks' thing being turned into a series of nicknames by the cast and crew (and heh, Big Dick) or the fact that this fic is set on their very first day, making it infinitely more awkward for Jensen. Awesome. ♥


Re: Request: Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha - accidental kisses floatxxaway June 9 2010, 00:02:47 UTC
this was so incredibly hawt as it was wonderfully hilarious



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