Fic: Monday - Jensen/Misha, NC-17

May 16, 2010 01:48

Title: Monday
Author: qthelights
Pairing: Jensen/Misha
Rating: NC-17
Words: 2500
Disclaimer: Not mine, Didn't happen.
Summary: Monday is awkward.
Notes: Written for Day 15 of mmom Continuation of Wound Down, Wound Up and Friday.

He shouldn't have answered the phone. Obviously. )

fic:spn rps, fic, jensen/misha

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Comments 93

uran_chan May 15 2010, 16:15:34 UTC
Oh my god, I actually squealed when I saw your update \o/ Coherent thoughts are kinda powerless in face of this kind of epic hotness, so I'll just stick to squealing :3


qthelights May 16 2010, 01:15:19 UTC
Thank you so much!! I'm so glad it made you squeal :)


azewewish May 15 2010, 16:24:43 UTC
Pfft, Misha and his earth-logic. Who would pick rationality over blowjobs, I mean, honestly? *g*

Uh, by which I mean, great job with this, and I love take charge, daredevil Jensen possibly more than is good for me. (I'm sure Misha will agree once the blood starts flowing to his big brain again.)


qthelights May 16 2010, 01:15:59 UTC
Of anyone? Misha could totally fuck it up by picking rationality over blowjobs... heh.

And thank you sweetie! I like take charge Jensen a lot too.. there should be more of him.


51stcenturyfox May 15 2010, 16:25:02 UTC
Sweet holy set trailer.


Hot, Q!


qthelights May 16 2010, 01:17:11 UTC
I know? THE BOY NEEDS TO BUY A CLUE. Though to be fair, he eventually did ;)

I'm glad you liked it, bb!!


dragonlit May 15 2010, 16:44:12 UTC

This was fantastic. I love this series, the absurd way it's all playing out. Misha's mind in this is a strange and glorious place.

I think," he begins, pauses but finds no other sentence forthcoming, "now we're royally fucked."

Jensen smiles wryly, acknowledgement flashing warily in his gaze. He makes no move to get up, to move his weight off Misha's body. "You could be right."

Misha nods sagely. Well. As sagely as one can nod when pressed into the floor. "I often am."

Perfect way to end this piece.


qthelights May 16 2010, 01:17:54 UTC
It's funny.. i've always been afraid to do a series.. and this kinda happened off the back of a quick pwp.

Thank you so much for liking it! And i'm glad the ending worked for you :)


colazitron May 15 2010, 16:50:26 UTC

I flailed when I saw this.

This is gonna sound a little mean, but I like how very normal Misha is in this. He's embarassed and confused and a little vindictive and his pride's been hurt and he doesn't want to look at this too closely, lest he find something he doesn't want to find and yet through it all he's also so very much Misha... you rock, bb.

No, really, your characterization of both of them is so mind-blowingly real, I love it more than the porn (which is insanely hot, so that's saying something!).

Also, I'm wondering how this is going to play out in the future, because those last lines don't exactly hint at rainbows and roses. Are you planning to continue this?

Either way, FUCKING AWESOME JOB on this one!


qthelights May 16 2010, 01:19:48 UTC
Yay for flailing!! I have a huge kink for normal!Misha I have to say. And I tend to write him a little more normal than crazy whenever I do write him.. because yeah. He's still human even if he is insanely above-average-human.

I'm not sure yet if i'll continue.. but I wanted to leave it with a little bit of confusion in case I do :)

Thank you so much!


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