Fic: The Broken Bits of Ianto Jones Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Gratefully borrowed and played with. A/N: See, fic. Strangely gen-ish fic, mind. Porn next time then, eh?
Wow. That was really powerful. Jack's shame and horror. The chaos of Ianto's flat reflecting the chaos of his life. I found this passage particularly affecting:"He went back into the bedroom, trying to quell the impending sense of doom that was roiling in his stomach. Opening a wardrobe door, with a glance back at the bed to check Ianto was still asleep, Jack found a row of suits, hanging in dry-cleaner bag shrouds. Pressed shirts and colour-coded ties. Polished pairs of shoes sat on the dirty cream carpet below next to an open shoebox of brushes and polish. Jack tried not to imagine Ianto sitting in the dirt and chaos of the apartment in an immaculate suit, brushing and polishing, making sure his shoes shone and gleamed. For him."
And that last line just screams out for this to be continued....
Thank you :) I'm so glad you liked it! I just figured that all that planning and deception would have to take its toll on Ianto somehow, and if they didn't see i at work then it made sense for there to be something wrong in his 'home' life.
The beauty of Torchwood is that there are so many gaps in the canon that can be filled believably with fic, isn't it? Thank you for the kind comment :)
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and Thanks! :)
And that last line just screams out for this to be continued....
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