Title: Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Sherlock - 3/4
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sherlock/John friendship
Word Count: 3,795
Disclaimer: Sherlock belongs to Auntie Beeb and Uncle Moff; Sherlock Holmes belongs to the world.
Crossover: Harry Potter
Warnings: none
Thanks: Many million thanks to my brilliant beta/Brit-pickers,
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Oh by the way, I found this today and thought of the teddy bear / stuffed gorilla.
And I'm very glad to hear the toddler-ness rings true...it's been many long yonks since my babysitting days, plus I'm trying to give baby Sherlock a few Aspie traits as well to satisfy my own head!canon. Thankfully for poor John, there's only one more chapter to go...
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