So I had a three hour nap on Monday after my shower, but if felt like only fifteen minutes. blah. So when I awoke it was paasach. Anywho you probably don't care about that.
The first Sader was fun. Well, up until about 1 am, but we shall get to that later. We had I think six guests, some more annoying then the others. But yeah, I don't like guests usually, so gwerb.We did things a bit differently this year. For starters, instead of sitting at the North end of the table my father sat at the South which really threw me off and messed with my OCD, but I dealt. Also, normally we go around the table and have everyone read from the hagada, which is kind of annoying and erksome. This year we didn't do that which is good.
I had a lot of fun with the Four Questions. I did them in a very dramatic semi-Shakespearean way, which I wish I could remember exactly so as to share it with you. But alas, I can not, so you will just have to believe me that is was fahntahstick. As we progressed through the story part(Magid) I became increasingly tired and nauseous(I awoke from my nap slightly nauseous) and it would have been wise of me at this point to substitute my second Cup for grape juice instead of wine, but alas, I am not one to listen to reason, nor to think straight when semi sicklyish. Anyway, we finished Magid with me feeling more nauseous then I would have liked and drank the wine. Side note here; When one is going to a sader, especially if one hasn't slept in four days, make sure to eat during the day before. Two cups of wine, horseradish, and matza on an empty stomach equals not so good.
Next came my favorite parts of the sader. First is the matza. This years matza is quite good. Very thin and crunchy. Next, and here is where people think I am nuts, is Maror, the bitter herb. Maror is probably my favorite part of the sader next to Korach, which is when we make a sandwich with the maror and matza. Anyway, the maror was VERY strong this year, which is good. Clears up the sinuses, which reminds me, I am getting a runny nose. One is only required to eat about an ounce of the horseradish. I had four. I know, I am crazy, but I like the stuff, OK? Next was korach, which I mentioned was the sandwich. Just matza and maror. Nothing else. YUMS. You know, I think the only thing that could make it better would be some Hot Sauce. Anyways, yes so I had another huge amount of horseradish, though this time with matza. My samich kept falling apart(at which point I turned to Geek and said 'My food is problematic') which made me sad, but I guess that is the risk you take when you make a sandwich with a peace of hard flat bread, right?
Next is the meal part of the sader. I left the table while everyone else was having fish cause I really don't like fish, except sometimes, and not when SM makes it, especially on paasach, cause it's weird and yuchy. El Padre then called me down as it was time for soup. It was now about one o'clock. *dramatic music* I had a bowl. And promptly threw it up. As I said before two cups of wine plus an ungodly amount of horseradish equals not good. At this point I decided screw it, I'm going to bed. And I actually slept! For the first time in four days. Yes, I woke up around 3 when Geek went to bed, but I fell back asleep. And slept till 11! Well, I woke up a few more times, but whatever, the point is I slept. Though by going to sleep I missed the rest of the sader, which sucks. Cause for all my whining, I really do like paasach. *shrug*
So, Tuesday. I awoke at 11 and went over to my neighbors while Geek and El Padre were at Shul, came home and had lunch with them(SM went to Minnetonka. El Padre was going to go, but was too tired.) then spent some time being goofy with Geek before I went to relax/try and nap ( I sort of failed) at around thirteen hundred which lasted till about 1800, at which point I had a banana and went over to my neighbors house. Some point during my rest the light rain turned to light snow GRR. It is April it shouldn't be snowing. Neighbor was not around as far as I could tell, maybe she was napping which would be good. Anyway I came home and read for a while before heading over there again.
As you can imagine the second seder was much better then then the first, what with my having eaten and slept a bit. It was pretty much uneventful, and we didn't end till at least threeish, so yeah, that was Tuesday.
Today was good as well. I woke up nice and early when Geek left for Shul and hung out in bed reading for awhile before going to my neighbors. Came home and had lunch with Geek which was nice. We then played many rounds of Name That ____. I lost each round, but came very close in most of them. It was fun. Then I made him read Where Is My Cow? He liked the middle bit, the rest he was indifferent to. Then we learned a bit and he went to take a nap and I went back to Neighbors and hung out. We made cookies and talked and stuffs. It was fun. I spent the last few hours arguing with her and this one friend that the Havenites are real and not crazy stalker predator people. And that was my holiday. ^^