Thoughts on grief

Nov 09, 2018 13:50

One of my best friends grandmother passed away yesterday.

I went over this morning to bring some soup, and a highchair for her to use(she lives out of town now.) On the one hand, I could see that the family was sad and grieving. But on the other hand everyone was cheerful and almost like any other time people would have come in. It reminded me of when my own grandmother passed away this summer. It’s interesting how different that was to when my sister passed away two years ago. Even though both passings were expected for a long time the one was so much more painful than the other. Is it because, though it was expected, it wasn’t ‘right ‘? I think this, because the pain I felt when my uncle died was also similar to that when my sister dead. Does the amount of pain we feel at a loss directly correlate to how so to speak, justified, the loss seems?
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