Apr 19, 2009 20:10
I don't wanna go home! I don't wanna go home! *pouts*
In case you couldn't tell, I am enjoying my vacation. I'm in Arizona right now. I got here on Thursday morning. I was exhausted, so I ended up falling asleep and taking a nice long nap. Then I relaxed, talked to one of my cousins for a long time, and played on the computer. Early Friday morning, my mom, brother, and my uncle got here after driving all night. A few of my cousins came over for dinner, surprising my uncle since he never sees one of them.
The surprise 40th birthday party was yesterday, and that was the reason why we came here. It was a lot of fun. For the first time in forever, there were lots of little kids running around. I grew up around a lot of little kids, but there were several years where there weren't very many kids born. That changed in the past few years. Lots an' lots o' babies. There were three babies (all girls!) who are under the age of two there yesterday. They are so cute! I got to hold two of them. One of them was sick, though. One of the times I held her, I discovered she had a love of strawberries. I grabbed a plate of fruit, while I was holding her. When I sat down, she started reaching for the fruit. I asked her mom if she could eat strawberries. She could, so I put one up to her mouth. She bit down (she has at least four teeth: two on top in front, and two in front on the bottom,) chewed, and swallowed. At one point, when I put it down, but had my fingers out, her mouth was open looking for it! It was so cute!
Later, my brother and one of my cousins wanted to go throw a football around at the park. I asked if I could go too. Then all of a sudden, seven kids, all aged between 2 and 10, wanted to go with us. I told my brother I would be in charge of the three girls (which ended up having the two-year-old boy in it as well), and they could be in charge of the boys. One of the girls gave me attitude. I told her if she did it again, I would take her back to the house. Other than that, though, it was fun to have them. I like little kids. (A good attitude for a teacher, don't you think?) I ensured that one of the girls could go with us, too. Her mother originally said no. But I don't think she knew which adults were going. I took the little girl's hand, and we went to talk to her mother. We found both of her parents, and her dad is my cousin who is only a few years older than I am. Her dad said sure. Her mom was a little uneasy, saying that she was a handful. Well, as I said, only one of the girls gave me attitude, and it wasn't her.
Today, I did a little sunbathing. I got a little sunburned, but it'll be gone soon. I worked briefly on my homework. Dinner's ready, so I'm going now.
All in all, it's been a nice relaxing vacation. I DON'T WANNA LEAVE!