Need to VENT!

Oct 14, 2008 15:39

*sighs* Sometimes, I really hate work. Specifically, I hate having to deal with patrons at work. Sometimes, it just isn't worth it.

Ten Commandments I wish I could get patrons to follow:

1) Thou shalt not check out more than 10 cd's at once, nor shalt thou return more than 10 cd's at a time.

2) Thou shalt not check out more than 10 books for thine children, and then return more than 10 books at a time.

3) Thou shalt listen to ye employees when they shalt tell thee where thou mightest findeth thine lost books.

4) Thou shalt be polite to ye poor olde employees, if thou wishest to get-teth ye best service.

5) Thou shalt not returneth more than 2 books on cd at any given time.

6) Thou shalt not allow thine children to run loose and unsupervised through ye olde library.

7) Thou shalt read ye olde signs postedeth on ye counter, and then wilt knoweth where to go for answers.

8) Thou shalt pay attention; if ye employee seemeth busy, go talketh to someone else.

9) Thou shalt not returneth books as far away from ye olde employee as possible. Thou shalt putteth books as close to ye employee as possible.

10) Thou shalt not returneth more than 2 items from another library. Thou shalt returneth items either to bookdrop, or to original library.

Today has just not been a very good day. First I had to deal with a very rude patron. I was in the return room. A man had just returned about thirty cds. Here's the problem with that: we have to check each and every one to make sure the cd is actually in there. It takes a lot of time. In the meantime, a bunch of other people had returned a whole bunch of things, so the counter was full. This woman expected me to drop everything to help her. She kept insisting she had been told that the book she owned that she had accidentally given to us was in the return room. But she kept mentioning the lost and found, which is behind the circulation or information desk. o_O She was told 8 times that it was behind the circulation desk! Idiot. And rude. I was not inclined to bend over backwards to help her. Eventually, another person figured that she meant the lost and found, and found the item, but after a bit of an altercation.

Then, in the parking lot after dinner, I return to see a person on a bike staring at a car with a polictical message on it. When he thought I agreed with him, he mentioned that there were strange people in the world. When I said I agreed with the message, he then decided to call me an idiot. *resisted urge to kill* And now I'm back at work, and am not in a good mood, because the idiot on the bike (which was clue #1 that he was a many people on bikes seem to think traffic laws do not apply to them) is probably out there.

Why the hell can't people disagree with one another in a polite way? Jeez!
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