Oct 10, 2007 19:49
It's been a long time since I posted anything at all. Even longer since I posted me saying anything that wasn't a trivial quiz posting.
But there again, there hasn't been a whole lot to post about. Still isn't. I work, go home, sleep...that's my life in a nutshell. Oh, Pru and I have been spending every weekend together for the past month or so, which is great fun. ^_^ I wish to God I could see Piper more. GAH! My best friends and I live in four different cities! Another close friend of mine is currently completely out of the country on the other side of the Pacific. AKA Japan, the lucky girl. And another friend of mine who has just popped back into my life lives in the mountains! *sighs* None of my friends live near me...the closest is a thirty-forty-five minute drive away.
I talked Mom into a Halloween party this year. Costumes are required. I'm wearing a rather risqe pirate costume. (The skirt is pretty damn short.) Pru's going to be Catwoman. Piper is going to be an Elder. (And if you know anything about Charmed, you know that was a weird sentence. o_O) Paige is probably going to be a Renassaince/medieval lady. My mom's going to be the Bride of Darkness. My brother wants to be Ghost-Rider. Halloween at my house is like Christmas anywhere else. If I ever get married, it's going to be either on or around Halloween, which is also the Celtic New Year known as Samhain (pronounced SAW-wen). I love this holiday. It's more relaxing than Christmas. (Speaking of which, if I have to deal with a cranky mother for one more year, I'm not spending that holiday with family anymore. I'll go to Church instead. Hey, that's not a bad idea. I've always wanted to go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.)
Anyway, I'm probably going to leave the Catholic faith. It's too confining for me. I need to find people who are more my equals, and not people in authority positions over me. I'm tired of that.
My life is boring as hell...except when I'm with friends. Then it's fun. I'm taking a class for career change. Teaching keeps popping up. NO MORE SCHOOL! *pouts* I'm probably going back here in the next year or so.
Anyway, I should probably go. Hope everyone is doing well!