Mar 22, 2005 20:41
wow, things @ greatest journal have gotten so out of hand. my friends can all be so dramatic. and carri thinks i'm mad @ her, which i was for a few, but she was like "i'm letting go of friends" and then she started in on me. whatever; it made me sad for a minute, then i moved on. i mean, there's drama going on about "you're such a slut", "i can't believe you told so-and-so", "get out of my business!", "you're an ___ (you fill in the blank)...etc. and everyone wants new friends. why are you going to leave me here alone? i haven't done anything, yet you're getting new friends? and leaving me behind, when i've done nothing? that's low. ah, ppl make me upset. and i have problems w/ my, serious problems. i'm in trouble/debt/in tears alot more lately. but kyle's been there for me. i don't know what i'd do w/o that boy. and abby's there. and krissy is too. carri, not so much lately. christine and i are cool. charli and ches are the sweetest girls. but it's like, i'm ignored alot more lately, and i just don't really care right now. i'm dealing w/ the here and now. lol, well, i do have some more homework, so i'll talk to everyone later. bye y'all!