(no subject)

Jun 09, 2004 15:27

FOR THE GUYS/Girls(what would you do)
When you first meet a girl,do you judge her on looks?:
You and your g/f just broke up,are you already looking?:
Your old crush just moved back in town,do you break up w/ your g/f for her?:
Your g/f cheats on you,but tells,still break up with her?:
Are you afraid to tell a girl your in love with her?:

FOR THE GIRLS/Guys (what would you do?)
Your b/f is at football camp, do you think he'd take a pic of you with him?: no
If he cheats on,do you give second chances?: ...I have done that
He buys you roses, does that means somethings wrong?: ...I'd think so
You say I love you after a long talk, no response, is he just shy?: no, he probably doesn't feel comfertable telling you that he loves you yet.
Are you afraid to tell a guy your in love with him?: yes...b/c love is a scary thing to me

10 years ago
- I was: 5
- I was: in first grade in...Ms. Wilkin's class @ Spanish Fort Elem.
- I lived: in Spanish Fort
- I met: Jeremy, Tony, Jeff Gates, um...that's all I can remember! lol

7 years ago
- I was: 8
- I was: in 3rd grade in...Ms. Purvis' class @ Rockwell Elem.
- I started: liking someone *lol*
- I started: being nice to EVERYONE
- I realized: I was unique...lol, I just said that, I can't remember 4th grade really

6 years ago
- I was: 9.
- I was: in 4th grade
- Everything was: good?
- I started: ...liking other boys
- My grades were: awesome

5 years ago
- I was: 10.
- I was: in 5th grade.
- I was: talking to the 4th grade boy I liked *lol*
- I was considered: "one of the guys"
- I was: very outgoing
- I actually: enjoyed school

4 years ago
- I was: 11
- I started: middle school
- I made: ...an unwanted friend...LOL *inside joke, maybe...*
- Me and ___ became friends. Nicki Bleiler...*shivers*
- Me and ___ liked each other. OH GOD NO! I WILL NEVER SAY!
- I started: buying candy
- My grades were: better than elementary school-lol
- I started: realizing some people...some people have issues...very, very, VERY severe issues *LOL*

2 years ago
- I was: 13
- I became: a 7th grader
- I lost: my lip-virginity *inside joke*
- I started: a relationship *lol*
- I was: different in that aspect, but very respected and considered "cool" for my talent *lol*

this year
- I was definetly: a suck-up
- I had my first real: kiss
- I was a: sweetheart
- I made: good grades
- I had my: first year in high school
- I fell in love with: Tony (and let's not forget Robbie Rolston!!! lol-j/k) no, just Tony

last year
- I started: being a flirt
- I fell in love with: Coach Edwards *lol-JK*
- I: was extremely happy everyday
- I learned to: master the art of sucking-up
- I was in: pretend trouble...but I have my ways of getting out of it *lol*
- I lost: my love for middle school
- I started worrying about: high school
- I've learned to be: nicer to everyone
- I started: becoming extremely innocent
- I became quite a: favorite to many
- I started liking: lol-not gonna say...

- I: got injured
- I avoided: water
- Got a little: sad
- I: missed y'all


*In The Beginning.....
Who are you: Cayla
Where are you from: Alabama
Birthday: December 7th, 1988
Are you tired of answering those same 3 questions in every quiz u take: yes
Why did you decide to take THIS quiz: bored, duh!

*How do you feel about.....
Homosexuals: more power to them!
Heterosexuals: are no better than homosexuals.
Bisexuals: are multi-stuff...lol
Christians: are different and cool in their own way
Pagans: are different and cool in their own way
Harry Potter fans: ...are different and cool in their own way
anime: is kinda immature...
Star Trek: i dont like it.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: no way.
Friends: is over
Will & Grace: boring
Religion: is a way of life.
Politics: holds up this earth.
Gay Marriage: is something I believe should be allowed.
Straight Marriage: is good too
Marriage in General: is great
Monogamy: naughty, naughty *lol krissy*
Disney Movies: are cool
Diet Soda: is my favorite

Music Piracy (MP3 File Sharing):
Is Christina Aguilera a slut?: no
Is Britney Spears a slut?: yes
Did Janet intentionally let her boob flop out?: yes
Did Michael molest those kids?: no
Did O.J. do it?: YES
If you had to star in a same-sex love scene, who'd it be with?: Carmen Electra
opposite-sex love scene, who would it be?: Justin Timberlake
Who's your favorite actor?: Tom Hanks
Who's your favorite actress?: Kate Hudson
Favorite Musician or band?: Usher's awesome
Favorite author?: um...John Steinbeck, probably
Favorite stand-up comedian?: Jeff Foxworthy
Favorite athlete?: ...I don't know
Favorite model?: Gazielle (sp?)
Favorite Talk Show host?: Oprah or...OKRA...lol

*More about you.....
Are you single or are you taken?: taken
What do you do in your spare time?: be Michael Jackson (lol-jk), watch tv, get online
What are your creative outlets?: being MJ, dancing
Do you have a webpage?: yea
Do you read/write fanfic/slash?: no
What is in your CD player right now?: Usher, Xtina, Kenny Chesney
What is the last TV show you watched?: Miss Universe...lol
What is the last thing u said out loud?: "him"
last thing you ate?: ...fried chicken
last thing you drank?: Coke
What are you wearing right now?: t-shirt and shorts
Do you sleep in the nude?: no, a tank top and panties
What do u lie awake thinking about at night?: tomorrow
How many pillows do u have on your bed?: 2
How many things are there in you room that have to be plugged in?: oh man, a lot
How long have u lived at your current place of residence?: 11 years
What (if any) jewelry do u always wear?: my two pretty rings Do you have any tattoos?: nope
Do you have any piercings?: yup-7 total

*All about your friends.....
How many people do you actually consider TRUE friends: about 5 or 6
How many people think u are their friend but secretly u can't stand them?: about...2
How many of your Live Journal friends list do you actually know InRealLife: all of them
How many people that have have "friend-ed" u do you really know?: ...what?
How often do you get comments from people and u have no idea who they are?: pretty often
Who is your BEST friend?: my mom and Abby
Who is your loudest friend?: Carri or Abby
Who is your craziest friend?: Carri
Who do you call when u really need someone to talk to?: Abby or Krissy
Who do you call when u really want to have fun?: Charli, Krissy, Tony
Who do you avoid answering the phone when they call?: ...I'm not gonna say
Who do you have the most in common with?: Abby
Who do you have the least in common with?: ...Tara, maybe. Or Brittanie
Who do you wonder how you became friends in the first place?: Brittanie Rowe, but I'm glad we're friends, b/c that chick rox my sox off across the room!
How many people from high school do u still talk to?: a lot, b/c i'm in high school
How many people from middle school do you still talk talk to?: um...well, actually, just Je'ray, Abby, Wendy (once in a blue moon), Carri, Jenny (once in a blue moon), and Krissy. Oh, Brittanie too.
From earlier childhood?: *sigh* Jeremy, Abby, Tony, uh...yeah, that's it.

*Social Life......
Where do you like to hang out the most?: my house or the movies
Are you usually the designated driver?: no-I can't drive on my own yet
Do you drink?: no
Do you smoke?: no
Do you do drugs?: no
Do you dance at clubs?: no-can't go to any, really
Do you talk during movies?: yes
What is your favorite restaurant?: Copelands

Pop Princess: ...Christine Aguilera
Boy Band: *NSYNC *lol*
Rocker Chick: uh...
Rapper?: ludacris
Color?: aqua
Food?: chocolate
Drink?: water

*Fill in the blanks.....
Beavis and______: Butthead
Run_____: as fast as you can...you can't catch me-I'm the gingerbread man!!!
Do you have a______: minute?
My name is______: Cayla.
I am______: ...girl.
My favorite band is______: Maroon 5
Can I ______ You: hug
______ a tree: Hump *lol Carri*
______ Lullibies: .... ...i have no idea!
I play the______: game of baseball!!! LOL!
Pass the______: sentence around.
Kill me______: never.
Do______: it.
I have to______: call someone.
I feel______: scared.
I______you: love
Jump for______: joy
______ me: Love
Love is______: scary, yet beautiful
To be scared is______: ok
I have a______: problem
Tick______: me off
Ass and ______: grass do not mix, now do they Jerissy? lol!
My job is to______: spread happiness and joy! lol-I'm so weird sometimes
Kiss______: me
Blue_____: dots
Don't let the door______: slam
Mother and______: father
Siblings______: ...don't exsist for me
Hump______: the tree *carri-lol*
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