Jul 31, 2003 14:32
1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? no..=X
2. Kept a secret from everyone? yeaa
3. Had an imaginary friend? haha yea when i was little
4. Wanted to go out with a friend? well a guy friend of course
5. Had a crush on a teacher? mmhmm=)
6. Ever thought an animated character was hot? hey arnold =) lol
7. Ever been on stage?: yes
10. Shampoo:....... herbal essence fruit fusions
11. Soap:....... bath n body works and caress
12. color:......... pink and blue
13. Day/Night:......... haha night...
14. Summer/Winter:......... SuMmEr
15. Lace or Satin:........ satin
16. Favorite cartoon Characters: daria
17. Favorite Food:........haha fries & salad
18. Favorite Movie:........can't pick- empire, breakfast club etc. ect..
19. Favorite Ice Cream:......anything with oreo or brownie chunks in it...
20. Favorite subject:........ lunch
21. Favorite drink:........ iced tea
22. Favorite Person to talk to online... all my friends
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
23. Wearing: white tank top w/ maroon towel pants
24. Hair is: ....messy bun w/ bra strap headband
25. I'm feeling: ..... gooood it's summer =)
26. Eating:...... some rice stuff
27. Drinking: iced tea
28. Thinking about: oh lots of stuff
29. Listening to: the tv
------------------THE LAST 24 HRS--------
30. Worn a skirt? yep
31. Met someone new?: yea
----------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------
32. Yourself:.... sometimes
33. Your friends: of course my friends kick ass
34. Destiny/Fate: everything happens for a reason
35. Spiritual: yyes
36. Natural: yea
37. Angels: yea
38. Ghosts: not realli
39. UFOs?: no
40. God: definetly
-----------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
41. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?....nope
42. Like anyone?: yeaa
43. Who have you known the longest of your friends? meg, jess, nikki
44. Who's the shyest? none of my friends are shy
45. Who's the weirdest? hm..many of us
46. Who do you go to for advice?....meg, jess, katy, court, brooke
47. Who do you cry to? meg and jess
48. Worst Feeling: not being loved