Aug 04, 2004 18:43
0k.. s0 last nite wasn't tha best riite?! 0mg here's wut was happening. Last nite.. i was taLking t0 sam, chris, and tim.. rite? weLL me, chris nd sam we aLL in a chatr00m cuz we were b0red.. lol.. than Sam g0es 'brb' s0 its like 10 minutes later and she didn't c0me back yet s0 i was like 'h0ld 0n chris i need t0 find sam..' s0 i IMed Tim and i was like.. 'Tim..are y0u taLking t0 sam?' and he's like yah.. s0 im g0 'rite this sec0nd she is typing t0 y0u?' and he g0es 'yah she is sending me these ic0ns!' s0 im like 0k?! weird.... =/ s0 i IMed her saying where are y0u? but she never answered mee.. s0 im like w/e fuk it!!!!!!! i was s0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o madd.. y0u d0nt understand.. and she FINALLY came back and im like wtf?! where did y0u g0.. and she's like 'i was washing my face and stuff..' than im like.. 0hh thats it? and she g0es 'yeh' 0hh.. weLL she was lying.. cuz m0st 0f tha time.. tim sed she was sending ic0ns.. and she 0nly kn0ws h0w t0 send them 0ne at a time.. s0 y0u have t0 stay at y0ur c0mp n0 matter wut!!!! and i sed.. well y0ur lying.. and she's like n0.. and we were talknig and she sed stuff that i didn't really understand and stuff s0 i was like 0k n/m.. but i was just w0ndering.. if i hadn't kn0wn wut she was d0ing w0uld she have lyed t0 me?.. im n0t sure..hmmm. grr... i can NEVER trust any0ne.. i d0nt kn0w why.. cuz even my famiLy has lyed t0 me.. s0 wenever sum0ne taLks t0 me.. i aLways think 0f it as a lie.. n0 matter wut it is. yah.. i d0nt belive in trust at ALL!! But im n0t g0ing t0 w0rry ab0ut it anym0re.. cuz i was taLking t0 my m0m t0dayy ab0ut frends and stuff.. and she t0ld me stuff that had a l0t 0f meaning.But i taLked t0 Sam t0dayy ab0ut it.. and she explained t0 me wut she meant wen she sed everything.. actuaLLy there is this B0Y that is being very gay.. and i think he was trying t0 get us mad at each0ther 0r sumthing......n0t sure.. LiL fagg.. DAAANNG he g0t me s000 mad.. cuz he ALS0 freeken lied t0 me!!!!!! But t0dayy me and Sam went t0 Chris's h0use.. it was fun.. we didn't stay there t00 l0ng th0 cuz Sam was scared her m0m was gunna caLL s00n.. s0 we left earLy.. i feLt bad =/.. 0hh weLL.. aww Chris is s0o0o0 c00L! =) I wanna chiLL with him agen bef0re sc00l starts.. but this time at my h0use.. s0 i can sh0w him tha m0vie.. =0.. It was a FuN dayy t0dayy with SaMgIrL! 0mg.. i f0rg0t t0 eat bef0re i left tha h0use! and i was s0o0o0o hungry.. s0 as s00n as we g0t h0me.. we ate like a wh0le pLate 0f my dad's w0nderfuL pasta and like biLLi0ns 0f aLberts0n's bread!!yummm..faaaat! =/ [[LoL.. SAM!! WE G0T A NEW MEMBER T0 0UR FAN CLUB!!! lol.. Chris is turning int0 an ashLee simps0n faan.. 0hh my bad.. he likes her 'lyircs' riiiite.. lol]] weLL im gunna g0 and try t0 find sumthing t0 d0 t0nite!! Im gunna caLL ArIeLLe and see wut her b00ty has been up t0! =) aww.. wen is alxia c0mming back!?!?!?!?? grrrr!!!!!!!! i didn't taLk t0 her bef0re she Left!!! =( byee x0x