A string of recent events has caused me to rethink my mindset of late. Which has basically been deeply set in the futility of art. I've really been down in it in a bad way. When I'm truthful, though, I stand up tall and say "music makes life worth living". It gives strength to the weak. Power to the powerless. More power to the powerful. And more
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there is a lot that I have to say on this subject and I hope we can discuss it sometime when I have a clear and sober mind (a rare case indeed). I believe firmly that "art" is a commodity, something to be bought and sold and therefore only worth as much as someone ascribes value to it. Be it buyer or seller. I have spent a lot of time in both the visual and performing art worlds, and I have noticed 2 things to be true in both mediums across all genres. The first is that persona is far more important then quality, the second is that quantity matters far more than quality. So taking into account both of those variables the most flamboyant(or tortured) person with the most junk wins the day. Quality be damned, what the average consumer of art wants from an artist is for the artist to treat his or her art like a business not a passion, because the average consumer of art wants to ascribe his or her own passion about a particular piece of art to it. For example have you ever been moved and touched by a particular piece of music or lyrics and felt that it spoke to you very deeply only to find out that the artist had something very contradictory in mind when writing it.
this will be too long if I go on but it is something that I struggle with as well.
here is my message to you. Most all of us do music because we can. It will likely never bring you security and so we find things to make us secure and support the doing of art. you are right Music is the Reward. It is what make you, you, and though the golden chords will not feed your family they WILL feed your soul. At the end of every day be thankful that you can do well what many others only watch with awe and inspiration. Take heart in the fact that you are not a Shlub hack dealing in real currency. Your art is worth far more in the currency of the mind and spirit.
and it certainly impresses and touches me
I think that it can be attained but the likely hood is very improbable. :)
(Its interesting to me that in a "sober" state of mind (that is, without the use of external intoxicants) so much seems so bizarre. Almost more so than with las drugas. Certainly with great subtlety but that's the trick.)
(P.S. This is a conversation that would be fun to have too. I feel a collision coming on.)
I could talk about this subject all day every day and not tire of it. (Almost seems like I do... if you count "talking to myself". Heh.)
I go in waves with this stuff. Thinking about it all the time, really (as I'm sure all artist must)--- not always getting down. Sometimes getting excited. Sometimes feeling really blase. And everything in between.
I wrote all of that out (and decided to share it) because I was going through a particularly troubling down spell and found a few things to bring me out of it. I was grateful (as always) and decided to try and share a little love with my friends. :)
That's such an eloquent way of saying what I was trying to say in this post. In fact, it's THE VERY REASON I don't mind "being poor" (according to a certainly worldly perspective), or at very least "broke", or feeling under appreciated, etc. Most of the time I dwell in the world of the mind and the spirit so I feel RICH most all the time, honestly. :)
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