
(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 22:55

I follow the same route every day to get to school. Lincoln to Damen to Elston to Milwaukee to Halsted. It is about 8 miles each way and takes about forty minutes, more or less depending on traffic. There is a part of Elston that runs through a virtually untouched industrial neighborhood. Still, the landscape of decrepit old factories is marred by the occasional solitary two-flat or converted building, twenty-somethings with bad haircuts and second-hand clothing smoking cigarettes on the front porch. I wonder how many thousands of dollars they pay per year just to breathe in exhaust fumes and have access to the North Ave bus. I have never met these people, yet I have the utmost contempt for them. There are almost always sunflowers planted in their front yards.
"You're the funniest person I've ever met," he tells me. I know nothing of his intonation or body language. There is no context. It's almost insulting, how cheapened everything has become. Still, I know the implications. "You're funny" is seldom an actual sincere compliment; in fact, it is almost always the opposite.

I am such a miserable person 90% of the time.
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