Harry potter

Jul 20, 2005 11:22

This probably wont really have any spoilers in it, but ill cut in anyway.

So the first thing i noticed about this book was that Snape (in chapter 1 even) admitted he was evil.

This in my opinion was the worst thing to happen to harry potter since they discovered "dating." Snape had always been my favorite character, if only for standing out as the one character with any depth. Everyone in the books is good or evil, with the arguable exception of Harry, who is really just a noble asshole. Snape, though it always seems like he is evil and trying to hurt Harry, has always been protecting harry from the sidelines (counterjinxing Quirrel in the first book, hating but helping Lupin in the third, etc...). Though Harry hates him, Snape consistently does things for Harry's best interests. Also, i still dont even see how Snape's explanation holds up. If i remember correctly, he did save Harry's life from Voldemort/Quirrel in the first book when he prevented Harry from falling off his broom at the Quidditch game. If it turns out in HP7 that Snape is really a double agent, and uses his influence to usurp Voldemort or save Harry, i will be most heartily pleased.

Harry is also a character I just plain cant stand. For one, he is a gross hypocrite and has no regard for personal privacy or common moral sense. He does little but spy on Malfoy, proclaiming constantly with little to no evidence that Malfoy is a death eater up to no good. *SPOILER ALERT...but if you cant figure it out by chapter 2 you're pathetic* it just so happens that Harry is right. But for an odd reason, it is my strong dislike of Harry that makes me keep reading. Without him creating so much unnecessary tension, there would be no conflicts.

The adolescents are all really poorly portrayed when it comes to drama and dating, and they say the word snogging or whatever way too much. Their relationships are highly unrealistic. Ron and Hermione fight way more than necessary, and this JK rowling is way naive when i comes to teen sex issues though... in all fairness it is a kids book.

Also, as someone else said before me, there is no sense of urgency in this book. Whereas i loved HP2 for actually scaring the crap out of me, and giving me a real sense that everyone involved was scared for their lives, HP6 felt more secure; more laid back. Not until the end does anything actually dangerous happen, and even then there was no room for anything surprising.

Also... the Half Blood Prince is way underplayed, and I hated Dumbledore in this book. The task he assigns Harry during a private lesson was unnecessary (seeing as Dumbledore knew anways). And Dumbledore was just a plain idiot most of the time. Whereas he used to always know 110% of what was going on, by the end of this novel he comes to seem less well... intelligent. He could have investigated Harry's accusations of Snape (he does afterall trust Harry quite a ridiculous bit), but no... he chose not to, and by the end it almost feels to me like he wanted it to happen.

All in all, i didnt like this one the most, but it was still as magical and unputdownable as all the rest. In my mind, i'd say best to worst would be 2 4 6/3 1 5

I wrote this review at work, and it sucks, but tell me what you disagree on or whatever cuz life if fun like that.

Also... i cut my hair really short.
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