Nov 09, 2006 13:54
There is now a Facebook group called "I disown Wisconsin." Its description is as follows:
"I have come to realize that my state is full of a bunch of ignorant, biggoted ass redneck religious morons who are so afraid of what they dont understand that they will ignore the rights of human beings. My state hates gays, kills criminals, and fucking sucks ass as of right now.
Fuck you Wisconsin, YOUR DEAD TO ME FUCKING DEAD!!!!"
First off, the person who created this goes to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, so his opinion doesn't count anyways but nevertheless, apparently fifty-nine percent of the state of Wisconsin is ignorant, "biggoted" (he must be ignorant too if he spelled biggoted wrong), redneck religious morons. So that means that despite the fact that I graduated from one of the best high schools in the state and am attending the best university in the state, as well as one of the best universities in the nation, and in the world, I am ignorant. Because I have religious conviction I am automatically ignorant. Because I have a differing viewpoint than J.T. Stocks (the creator and admin of the group) I am ignorant. Because I am not an unabashed post-modernist thinker, I am ignorant. That's not very tolerant, is it? All of this coming from people who bash people who voted "yes" for being intolerant. If you claim to be tolerant, you should be tolerant of intolerance, or else you are intolerant as well.
Also, the death penalty referendum was NON-BINDING! It was merely a poll to see where people stood. I didn't even "yes" on it, so Wisconsin does not "kill criminals." Moreover, with Doyle as governor and a Democratic state Senate, the death penalty will not pass. Apparently the creator of this group is ignorant as well, since he can't spell, doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're" (e.g. YOUR DEAD TO ME FUCKING DEAD), and doesn't know about non-binding referenda.
Finally, life's not fair. Sorry but that's the truth. Take it or leave it.
Why don't all of you "no" people do what people from Wisconsin do when hard times happen, drink beer.