Jun 30, 2009 23:14
E: Then what do you want me to do? You already used 2 of your wishes.
G: Three seemed to be huge.
E: It’s much easier now. You can ask for your dream.
G: I don’t have it. I never had. I was too busy mesmerized by all the little things.
E: Take your time, think about it. The last one is very important.
G: The last everything is very important. Especially if it lasts…
E: Even if it lasts forever?
G: I never heard of “forever” before.
E: Never-ending.
G: That sounds scary. Everything needs to have an end. Otherwise you will never understand how much it meant to you.
E: It’s sad that you don’t have a dream. What are you thinking when you are laying barefoot on a wet grass, feeling the warm night breeze and staring at millions of stars in the sky?
G: How can you think when your breath is taken away by the beauty of the moment?
E: I never thought about it that way.
G: Don’t leave. We can talk forever.
They stayed silent. Neither of them wanted to ruin the perfect moment.
G: I wish I had a dream.
E: … *blink*. Good bye.