May 26, 2010 01:55
my god, my dad just left a msg on MSN telling me to study hard while he tends to reward me in the states in less than 2 weeks time. I'm so excited I need to jump on everyone now :)
Well, today could have been more productive rather than waking up at 11 but it's a huge improvement judging by the fact I lie in bed till 4pm the next day on my last holiday. It was disastrous, thanks to the fact that there weren't pack or rules and laws to uphold un-laziness. So I un-willingly prepared and cabbed over to TP to have lunch with J as promised( why oh why was I ever so bold and brilliant to have signed up with such deals ) , met ♥, waited for ♥'s tuition to end, spoke to wayne, caught desperate housewives on starworld, wayne then drove us all to town, shopped a little, had frolick yum, bought some stuff, wayne drove ♥ and I back to the east where we had fattening sinful deep fried chicken, fish and chips for dinner ( I can feel the expansion in my overly nourished thighs already ). ♥ sent me home.
Simple days like these are comparatively small in size, not exactly highly significant. I won't probably remember simple days like these but days like these are days when and where we built strong and long-lasting friendships/relationships.
Off to the royal chamber ;)